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I got some minor glitches solve.
First note there is no game #2. so delete it
second note there is 2 11 game, but since u deleted #2, just adjust the games down from 3-11
Lastly, here is a few suggestions:
- less games for installation
- adminstration panel
- more then 1 language
If u do not want to do, i can help pitch in.
How do i change the width of PunDokuwiki so it matches the width of my forum? My forum link is here … y/doku.php
But it has too many other stuff i don't want.
how do i change the cookie name then? function.php?
Ok I have two punbb forums located in one cpanel account. I will name them forum a and b. forum a is located in folder a and forum b is located in folder b. They both have different sql databases and different usernames to access the database. When I login to forum a, then also log in to folder b, then return back to forum a i some how was logout. then I go back to forum b, I am also log out of my account.
Shouldn't I be able to use both forums at the same time?
select which forum to use, change the welcome text from there. could make every one's lives easier.
can't you amek that section into an AP?
Can someone tell me how to make the punminiportal by connorhd look a bit more like's front page.
I want the icon beside the topic. Topic in bold. and the poster and the commnet link on the bottom.
I try it myself, but didn't understand how he did it. It just seem to be a lot of moving from one array to another.
Can someone, if not make at least tell me the logic, of how to create two or more punbb forums but have a network connection between them?
If u didn't understand the first line i will give u an example:
For some online games, they are chained up to a network website. Which requires you to register to the network before you can create an account on that game. (that way the person has one username for all the game site) A real life example would be the XGID network, which consist of MWM and other games.
I realize what i want to do is crazy and requires three databases. That is how my logic has gone to so far. Is just how to connect them this way an issue
eh i found it an hour before i re-read the forum here
thanks, but i found one a hour before you post mark
Is anyone willing to write me a mod so you can change edit smilies, upload them and change the name in the adminstration account with out going to the paser.
I like it, expecially the Hooded Sweatshirt, sadly i have no credit card on hand. I should really go and get one soon.
As a suggestion, why don't you put the sites name on the t-shirt to promote the site even more!
basicly in other words, it is best to run the site else where. that is because most of us don't speak that language. the languages in the language part that still are part of this forum, is languages he can speak
well you can make the div larger but i recommend that you just put a couple opf words to prevent the bottom showing up. I forgot how to write the code since i don't bother writting iframe, prefer div
not bad, looks great! However I can't read you language so i can't find your forum...
Took a bit longer to loaded then most i seen
You should really convet ur footer from english to your own language, It is just weird
how could u be right? connorhd
u said it is unpredictable, i am predicting
I don't think anyone is going to go into all the trouble of making it, we don't know when 1.3 is coming out, until rickard say so (the date) or he start developing and ask for help, which has i believe has not happen
1) it is a feature request is also a mod request section. It must be a mod inorder to be done.
2) somewhat hard, you need rerout the rank in to the permission section. Personally, I haven't seen this kind of mod request or mod before. I am thinking you are running a rpg right?
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