(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

tu ne pas comprend? Je demand, puis-je avoir votre le script download

Here is in simple english: you don't understand, i am asking, can i have your download script
(even though i am Canadian, it so hard to speak french when u haven't say or write french for two years)


(124 replies, posted in News)

lol! I guess rickard wants it so you can see it imediately


(48 replies, posted in General discussion)

Tobi wrote:
dmz wrote:

I merely stated a fact: the overwhelming cost to change 300 million people over to the metric system would not be a trivial task and would cost billions.

And in the long run, seeing all this globalization thingy going on, it would save billions....

dmz wrote:

Suck it up.  It is what it is and likely won't change until China takes over the world.

Well then - I'll lean back and wait. Can't be too long.
And you know why? Because they are so bloody flexible wink

China uses the metric system, but i don't think that china can take over the world. They will have to stop india in 5 year once they are superpower, and pakistan in 16 years, and russia (if they can get it right) 25 years.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Well you have a good point, rickard for the next pun version, apart from the english language add these: spanish, german, french, chinese. They are the most common ones.

As for a download page(s), well no one have submit the codes. The most sufficent ones are François and Punres, We know Punress is inbeded so it would be impossible. So I am try to get the code from François.

Well, someone will make a menu on the bottom someday to let users switch languages and skins. I am working on that for u.


(124 replies, posted in News)

so slow, lets just change at this right it is going to take like a while:

29-22= 7days, and we are already at 322 so roughly 300 per 6 days
therefore 12 days more,
however we need to also need to remember that there is a certain number of people who can donate and some already donate, so there are less donators: so add 1 day to every 50 dollars then 2 days the next 50, etc:

therefore: 22 days roughly until we get 900 bucks


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

you created a script and not sure it with everyone, how unfortunate...

k, guess i am being delayed


(48 replies, posted in General discussion)

well some how clocks still run on imperal time. i wonder why?


(48 replies, posted in General discussion)

lol, Canadians are already ahead in the game! with 18 years of metric, impreal generation in Canada will be gone in 2061 ish, if you use average life span

yep..... or after if you need it clear the post if you don't want to delete double or more post

Not yet, since we:
a) don't use it
b) there are other portal systems more common then the one you are using (geeklog, puhpnuke, etc.)

Don't get discourage, someone in the long run will make you one or you can try yourself if you know how

well i am doing them all at once, i guess. Unless people can do that job for me.....
you gave me a linl. I guess i am going to have to base it along that line. Unless you want to email me all the specific features you want.

Here is some i will have to do no mather what you say:
- a private message (Connorhd already made that mode so i guess i can take it and modify it)
- a html pagemaker, where you can post all your storys (ex geeklog, they have a place for that)
- multi forum on the same website. (i have some ideas of doing this, but i am not sure i woud finish qucikly enought so, don't expect it on the first release)
- i a going to have a feature, deathmatch, mulitmatch(they can be in a team or not and create teams), team deathmatch(players are force to join a team) (don't expect me to have this done by beta)


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)

movie (just watch it last night)

RPG is being started. IT will take a good 2 months to get most of it done. My main plan is to take the existing phpbb software, and change it so it look and feel like punbb, but has all the features connorhd wants.

it is not a bug most likely, since rickard made sure the time is right or else when we post items the time and date on the top left of your post will be incorrect. The main reason why, is most likely you server is in another timezone, or you forget that it is -4


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

it's ok, but since you are forcing them to a viewforum page. it kind of make the forum look like a guestbook


(124 replies, posted in News)

well i want too, but a i don't have a credic card, or a paypal account so sorry. I will donate someday, but not today

just create a group that are similare to people that are not register. That way, they will be:
a) force to make a new account [and you can figure out it is the same person by ip address. hopefully u ban their email, else u have to check that out too]
b) mad, leave forever, but i don't think you are going to happy if they start spreading word about how bad that forum is.


(48 replies, posted in General discussion)

so why can't we just write our dates like this: 2:30:08, Monday, September 28th, 2005

its long but it makes so much sense, or else i prefer: h/m/s, mm/dd/yy
I am not use to international time, but I am fine with it, as long as more website does it.

the button part i know whats wrong but why is my page doing this: http://forevergrey.ibsz.com/doku.php
It seems like my links are on the bottom instead of being on the left of the DocWiki


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)



(48 replies, posted in General discussion)

I prefer the metric system, in Canada, it is so easy!
Only because we change it 18 years ago... The only imperial left in our system is the words used to measurement of water, and the time [that is because a Canadian invented Standard time]

Is it possible for someone to write a code, so that it shows how many photos your forum have all together [similar to how many post you have all together, enventought some are deleted]

I am not sure which part of the code i should thake. If i was 80% sure, i wouldn't be asking this


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)



(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

looking looking....