(24 replies, posted in General discussion)

Firefox 1.0.7 is available and the 1.1 will come shortly says Ben Goodger -
..I have these extensions :
Web Developer;
Gmail notifier;
- the thing with greasemonkey is that is easy to turn ON/OFF - left from the Gmaln. there's  small monkey icon smile and you could click it for on/off -simple as that m8s


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

madmanonline wrote:

isnt there a page built in to delete the database?

I hope not- but I think it isn't that possible ..or?!

Rickard wrote:

And you've clicked the activation link in the e-mail?


Chunkman wrote:

Oh nope.. looks like the messages are all gone.
Darn it. I've made a back up about 2 weeks ago of the SQL.
I guess I'll just have to import that again?

Ahh... is there a law against egging hackers?

I think there is law -but in some few country's.

Chunkman wrote:
whoisthisguy wrote:

Wow, what version were you running? I really want to start using PunBB, but the idea of being hacked is pretty frightening.

I was quiet lazy - had an old version 1.2.1 I think..?

I've upgraded to 1.2.7 now.
All I need now is to get my messages displaying on the forum.

yeah I think that should fix it, sure your a bit lazy missing part's to +0.0.6 big_smile wink
but the messages displaying on the forum now that's a big "hmmm"

ok after that whole od replacement's and all could someone .zip that and put it for download!?

I hope you fix it m8! cheers !

nvd I've fixed it -
btw and my URL is http://www.mcville.net/board/upload/  ... Samrtys


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

sorry this link was deleted for security reasons - Pos3idon

ok I've edit the main.tpl but it's not working sad

<div id="brdheader" class="block">
    <div class="box">
        <div id="brdtitle" class="inbox">
        <img src="/upload/img/logomcv.gif" width="108" height="44" alt="mcville board" />


Rickard wrote:

Edit include/template/main.tpl

thank you ....Rickard

so tell me!
btw. I saw it on www.haveamint.com/forum