1 2012-02-27 06:46
Re: [Extension] Image Assistant (quadric_image_assistant) (64 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)
2 2012-02-26 20:43
Re: [Extension] Image Assistant (quadric_image_assistant) (64 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)
So you have an "m" folder in "img" folder on server and it's writable?
Yes, all chmod 777
I see that image has been uploaded but there is a strange error.
Yes, but the preview does not show. Just when you delete. The image is removed, but the timer turns.
1) What browser do you use?
Firefox last version, chrome last version, IE 8
2) What operating system?
winxp, win7
3) What firebug version?
I can not say for sure, will tell later.
It was established many extensions, perhaps some kind of conflict?
Bring a list of installed extensions?
p.s. sorry for my bad speak english
3 2012-02-26 12:57
Re: [Extension] Image Assistant (quadric_image_assistant) (64 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)
4 2010-11-05 11:05
Re: [Request] Warning User Extension (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
rajuru, Thank you, we are waiting for you.
5 2010-10-04 17:56
Re: [Release] Quick Search (17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
project xn_jquery is dead...
6 2010-09-06 08:16
Re: [Extension release] PunBB WYSIWYG - using TinyMCE (49 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
rs324, Create New Topic and ext pun_tags the problem remained
May be add plugins autoresize is on ?
And add in top or bottom editor
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleEditor(id) {
if (!tinyMCE.get(id))
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', false, id);
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, id);
<p><center><a href="javascript:toggleEditor('fld2');"><b>Add/Remove editor</b></a></center></p>
7 2010-09-02 13:46
Re: [Extension release] PunBB WYSIWYG - using TinyMCE (49 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
official extensions pun_tags v1.5 -> http://punbb.informer.com/extensions/
Moderator extension
Edit post:
8 2010-09-02 13:34
Re: [Extension release] PunBB WYSIWYG - using TinyMCE (49 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
rs324, pun_quote v2.2.2 is official extensions -> http://punbb.informer.com/extensions/ insert_nick_to_quickpost
if ($forum_config['o_quickpost'] == '1' &&
!$forum_user['is_guest'] &&
($cur_topic['post_replies'] == '1' || ($cur_topic['post_replies'] == '' && $forum_user['g_post_replies'] == '1')) &&
($cur_topic['closed'] == '0' || $forum_page['is_admmod'])) $forum_page['post_ident']['byline'] = str_replace('</span><a title=', '</span><a onclick="return insert_text(\'\', \'[b]'.forum_htmlencode($cur_post['username']).'[/b], \')" href="#req_message"> → </a><a title=', $forum_page['post_ident']['byline']);
9 2010-09-02 12:46
Re: [Extension release] PunBB WYSIWYG - using TinyMCE (49 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
after install not worked pun_quote, insert_nick_to_quickpost...
10 2010-09-02 08:54
Re: [Extension release] PunBB WYSIWYG - using TinyMCE (49 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
Big th'z for this ext!!!
11 2010-08-15 11:46
Re: [Extension Release] Icon Images (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
Thank you for this.
12 2010-08-04 05:27
Re: [Release] Subforums (60 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
took, took, took...
wake up!
13 2010-08-02 16:10
Re: Simple BitTorrent Tracker (47 replies, posted in Supported extensions)
Whether it is planned to make rating system?
14 2010-08-02 16:01
Re: [release] Hide your online status (13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
-hidden moderators and administrators can post always
It not absolutely so.
Forum1 - moderator1
Forum2 - moderator1
Forum3 - moderator2
If moderator1 set our status is hide, he cannot write in a forum3, but can write to forum1 and forum2.
Whether it is impossible to correct it?