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PunBB Forums → Posts by liyujiang
Our Chinese is much worse!
No matter. I will speak English.
"徐侨伯" said, his forum encountered a 500 error when he set Simple Chinese to default language. I suppose it is a syntax error in script.
I support you.
I think it is fair to block users who use to communicate in this forum language other than English.
Block? but our english are bad.
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
Great, my friend!
PHP is very great, it is the sixth language in 3/2012 (Java=>C=>C#=>C =>Objective-C=>PHP).
Tell you the truth, PHP enable to develop application of android (extension: .apk). At first, you need install SL4A and PHPforAndroid (see official site: www.phpforandroid.net) in order to build a PHP envoriment. Hello World as follow:
include 'Android.php';//引用安卓API
$droid = new Android();//创建安卓对象
$droid->dialogCreateAlert('www.liyujiang.tk提示:', 'Hello World');//创建对话框
<script language="javascript">
window.alert("Hello World");//弹窗
PHP code:
class Main
public static function startApp()
$lyj = new WapLyj();
try {
} catch(MyError $e) {
echo $e->toString();//捕获错误
public static function pauseApp() { }
public static function distroyApp() { }
class WapLyj
var $url = '';
public function test()
if ($this->url == '')
throw new MyError('变量$url未初始化值为“www.waplyj.in”');//抛出错误
echo '变量$url的值为'.$this->url;
class MyError extends Exception
var $msg = '';
function __construct($msg)
$this->msg = $msg;
public function toString()
return $this->msg;
J2ME code:
import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display;
import javax.microedition.io.ConnectionNotFoundException;
public class Main extends MIDlet
protected void startApp()
WapLyj lyj = new WapLyj();
try {
} catch(MyError e) {
protected void pauseApp() { }
protected void destroyApp(boolean arg0) { }
class WapLyj
String url = "";
public void test() throws MyError
if (this.url == "")
throw new MyError("变量url未初始化值为“www.waplyj.in”");//抛出错误
try {
new Main().platformRequest(this.url);
} catch(ConnectionNotFoundException cnfe) { }
class MyError extends Exception
String msg = "";
public MyError(String msg)
this.msg = msg;
public String toString()
return this.msg;
Use FTP modify the config cache file.
I'm from China, although Christmas isn't a festival in my country, but now(2011-12-25,00:00) I am writing: Merry Christmas, best wish for you. I hope we can become friends.
I had the same question. Thanks for the answer.
you can translate from 'lang/English/...'
what is the location of the footer file?
Locate at PunBB root, named 'footer.php'.
For your first question: find out the file 'include/functions.php', then search the function 'generate_navlinks()', you will see.
hoho, I learn HTML&CSS from www.w3school.com.cn , and learn PHP from www.php.net/manual/zh/. As BenInBlack said, you needn't to buy some books.
Good idea.
I would love to see this too
Me too.
My English is very poor, hope administrators will understand, hehe
Please english!
Sorry, Administrator, my english is bad.
What's more, we are from China and the language pack is Simplified Chinese, so we use our mather language to communicate is better than english.
The PunBB is great, I like it. I hope someone able to develop a mobile edition (WAP2.0). We can Named punBB-wap like phpBB-wap.
By the way, WAP2.0 seems very popular in Russia, such as phpBB-wap,JohnCMS,MobileCMS...
Try to download from this:
谢谢!Thank you very much, you are great.
PunBB Forums → Posts by liyujiang
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