use SEARCH, is it so hard?

Hellow again, is it possible hide links in post (for seperate forums) from geust (only members are able to see links in these forums)?


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

It works. Thanks again


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

How to make menu align in center? I can't find what to change. Thanks for help.

Connorhd - how to add Easy_BBCode_1.0.1 into this mofication?

Now it works FINE smile


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Thanks for help.

I think the problem is in the place while checking radio button, because no action is taken.

No changes for me ...


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I saw this before, but how remove [b]TITLE/b]?


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I would like o know how to make header like thp:// - pic with no text.
Thanks for answers

point 1. Marked buttons doesn't work at all.
point 2. YES, i use function.php from 1.1 smile

I tried to mark Move All Post , but it also doesnt work, just moves one most in my edited version, in yours - again no action at all ...

I choose topic and press submit. AND NO ACTION ;/

I did some modification to your mod, i connected ver 1.0 and 1.1 Here is a screenshot. Now works fine. Thank for goog mod wink

I tried on other PC, the same problem ;/

NO, it doesn't work with IE and with Firefox. Version 1.0 works fine, but this function in 1.1 doesn't work even on your demo site...

This function doesn't work :

Choose the reception topic
Choose eventually another forum and select the destination topic.

how to move ONE post to other topic? and how to move several post at once to other topic?

Did this on every file in directory. Looks like everything is OK now. Thanks

When trying to do some changes in my forum i get the error:
Help, please.

how to include this to CONCORDS pms mod ? thanks for answer

How to add this "toggle..." to edit page?

ok, i did this by my self smile

doesn't work... after changing my post.php i get errors

How to disable autosave when sending messages?

and i want to delete all users messages. is it possible?

Paul - Maybe you could give a site with this example to see how it works?

thanks, it works.

another question is: is it possible to delete all messages from database using admin panel or i have to do this manualy in phpmyadmin?