(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Thank you. I have sent the corrected version in an email to you.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Hi, here's my punbb:


I've sent the hungarian language pack for punbb 1.1 to Kennel.

Punbb is the best...


(13 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Many thanx, Kennel - it's wonderful. I'm so glad - all in one place!


In lang/xx_common.php set:

lang_encoding            =>    iso-8859-2,

(instead of windows-1250)

I use ISO-8859-2 encoding for my hungarian-written pages here:

and hu characters works fine with Opera 7.1 too... let's give it a try!


(13 replies, posted in Feature requests)


Got a problem with the recent-script: it works fine when im a guest, but when I'm logged in it says:

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/httpd/www/roburnet.hu/html/crohn-colitis/index2.php:1) in /home/httpd/www/roburnet.hu/html/crohn-colitis/punbb/include/functions.php on line 82

Here's the page: SOLVED! Thanks...

I guess it's something with the cookies, but not shure...
Can anybody help, please?

Also works on mine too smile
I'm about the making of a hungarian language pack for PUNBB, so I'm very busy...

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