(71 replies, posted in News)

Paul wrote:

Graphic CAPTCHAs are out of the question anyway as they don't meet accessibility guidelines.

Exactly. And the fact they are terrible to begin with.

/me PWND by Register.php DoS attack. Oops, that's what I get for not regularly looking for updates.

Hmm. I just moved servers today and looks like something with the default hotlink protection is throwing that error. Thanks.

So I've just installed PBB and I'm diggin' it. Holy hell, should have moved a while back..

I'm making some changes to the forum before I dump my old VB. My first is the addition of a quick search right under people's post form. I did this because I want people to see the quick search right in front of them and use it to their advantage. Might make for better content.

I don't think it's enough to be a mod, although I am sure it wouldn't be terribly hard to make it one. If anyone is interested in one let me know. I am adding Wiki to that list right now and I am sure there are more out there depending on what your forum is about.

I'm thinking I may change it where it would just retrieve and parse the html data and display a small popup window instead of going to the actual site. Wouldn't work for wiki or google, but would look rather nice for Dictionary.com or Thesaurus.com searches.


Screen shot