hahahahaha smile mmm... Ten 4 language  as mod...:) a nice word game where users can play against eachother.

lol smile i know belgium always win with "10 voor taal" ...ehmm ten for language  wink

haha my mistake smile okay works great and many thanks.

Thnx, works...only i use 100 x 100 avatars but when i leave height and width from the  css line the box stretch to the right, is there another way?, because when somebody use 80x80 the box still use 100 x 100.

DD.postavatar {border-color: #000000 #CCCCCC #CCCCCC #000000; height: 100px; width: 100px; border-style: solid; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; margin-bottom: 5px}

Hai all...

I want around the avatar a line, how do i do that with CSS in PubBB and where?

Works now...thanks...again smile

#---------[ 10. FIND ]

    $posts_field = '';

#---------[ 11. ADD BEFORE ]

        list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-',$user['birthday']);
    if($month!=0 && $day!=0){
        $Nyear = (strlen($year)!=4)? NULL: $year;
                $datestamp = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,0)
                if ($lang_calendar['Date_format'] == 'US') {
                   $birthday = date("F jS ", $datestamp).$Nyear;
                } else {
                   $birthday = date("j ", $datestamp).$lang_calendar[(date("F", $datestamp))].$Nyear;
        $birthday = $lang_profile['Unknown'];

i removed the modification instructions... works 4 me, temporary i hope 4 a solution because only admins can add events and birthday don't work.

Thanks Elbekko smile everthing works like i wish, so today i start working on that.

okay that works fine, link color change so i can do something with this. Only one other problem rise, mouseover link doesnt work anymore on the left and the right. Do you know a solution or is that just a mission impossible?

okay smile ill try

Well i normaly don't showoff, i realy hate that. http://www.shiftzone.com <---- as you see, left and right....YELLOW. When i put other block between its okay, it breaks the yellow a little bit, but it can be better...just other link colors in the miniportal blocks.

Thanks Mark but what i want to know is how to add more link color styles into PunBB and how to use them in for example miniportal so i can give the links in the block a different color, and mouseover color still works. Because when you use one linkcolor it start look like a plague from one color. Its annoying..

Don't understand it...

I have found a bug...or maybe im the only one. When you watch a event and you press on a nickname to somebody's profile you get a error (IF something) in this line (php tell this):

if ($lang_calendar['Date_format'] == 'US') {

Well... its not realy a mod, more a nice thing for people that using a Apache server. Do whatever you want with it. Rebuild it, make it better...whatever. The script shows a list of referrals and you can add a list of domains that you don't want to see in the list. Works 4 me, maybe also 4 you smile

Name it : refs.php and dump it in the root from PunBB.

define('PUN_ROOT', './');
define('PUN_QUIET_VISIT', 1);
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';

if($pun_user['is_guest']) { message($lang_common['No permission']);

//Set the page title here
$page_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']) . ' / Traffic';
define('PUN_ALLOW_INDEX', 1);
require PUN_ROOT.'header.php';
require PUN_ROOT.'include/parser.php';
<div class="block">
    <h2><span>Traffic / Referrals</span></h2>
    <div class="box">
        <div class="inbox">

# Path to Apache access log (ask you provider if you dont know)
$todaylog = "/var/log/httpd/access_log";

$ignore = array();
$ignore[0] = "http://punbb.org";
$ignore[1] = "http://punbb.org";

$referers = array();


$fd = fopen("$todaylog","r"); 

while ($x = fgets($fd,1024)) { 

list( , , , , , , , , , , $referer , ) = explode(" ", $x);

array_push($referers, $referer);



foreach($ignore as $toig) {
$ignore[$count] = str_replace("/", "\/", $ignore[$count]);
$ignore[$count] = str_replace(".", "\.", $ignore[$count]);


foreach($referers as $x) {

# $referers[$count] = substr("$x", 1 , strlen($x));
$referers[$count] = substr($x, 1);
$referers[$count] = substr($referers[$count], 0, -1);
if($x == "\"-\"") { $referers[$count] = NULL; }
foreach($ignore as $toig) {
if(preg_match("/^\"$toig/", $x)) { $referers[$count] = NULL; }

$final = array();

foreach($referers as $x) {
if($x != "") {
array_push($final, "<div class=\"postmsg\"><a href=\"$x\">$x</a></div><br>");

$referers = NULL;

$counts = array_values(array_count_values ($final));
$final = array_values(array_unique ($final));

$ccount = 0;

foreach($final as $x) {
print "[$counts[$ccount] x traffic received] <br> $x\n";



require PUN_ROOT.'footer.php';

My links are yellow, when you go over it they turn to white. But i want in punportal blocks different link colors (for example blue) that also change to white when you go over it with your mouse. Is it possible to have different link colors?

works now, thanks!!

great portal only one little question Tubby.... i use 1.2.14 Punbb...

I want a block from a specific forum. In your Q&A.txt you talk about :

Q 1: How would i set up the recent topics block to display the recent topics from a specific forum id?

A 1: Well its rather simple. Simply open up recenttopics.php under      include/user and

replace this:

$result = $db->query('SELECT subject, id, forum_id, last_post FROM'.$db_prefix.'topics ORDER BY last_post DESC LIMIT '. $topicdisplay) or error('Unable to fetch post info', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

with this:

$result = $db->query('SELECT f.id, t.subject, t.id, t.forum_id, t.last_post FROM '.$db_prefix.'topics AS t INNER JOIN '.$db->prefix.'forums AS f ON f.id=t.forum_id WHERE t.forum_id='.$forumid1.' ORDER BY t.last_post DESC LIMIT '. $topicdisplay) or error('Unable to fetch post info', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

But that don't work...so maybe you know a solution.


I want something...iiiii want a BBCODE to align a image into text. So it look nicer....

SO you get this

Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah
blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah [picture here]
Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah
blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah

gregb wrote:

That's work for me, but, can we align the text to the top if the img's height is too long ?

see : http://www.gregserveur.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=52

use 100 x 100 pixel images and put the css to this :

IMG.postimg_left {float:left;margin:2px;clear:left}

Then it look good...

thnx CodeXp that work 4 me smile

jups a BBcode would be great...

let's try smile
http://punbb.org/forums/img/avatars/3935.png <p style="float:left">text....text....text....text....text....</p>

nope....doesnt work smile

Two questions

1. Is it possible to put the user avatar in the generated news? and how do i do that...if it is possible..?

2. How to put a text around a image...in html you can do this:

<img src="image.jpg" width="163" height="176" align="left">and here text and here text and here text and here text and here text and here text and here text and here text and here textand here text and here text and here text and here text and here textand here textand here textand here textand here textand here text and here text and here text and here text and here text.

but with pun that doesn't work.  So i maybe a bbcode?

Thanks 4 reading...