(0 replies, posted in General discussion)

how about a category for extension or mods for pun 1.3?

people will get those mixed up....



(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

looks good needs the footer image...
i was raised in the 80's never heard of that band...



(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

when i try to change styles i get a funky error....

Warning: require(./style/Sulfur/Sulfur.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in N:\wosportable\www\pun13\header.php on line 112

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required './style/Sulfur/Sulfur.php' (include_path='.;N:\wosportable\php5') in N:\wosportable\www\pun13\header.php on line 112


(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

ok run punbb locally example localhost

setup a admin and password account

export the admin account via db to the website db

that should do it
make sure you have typed in the same admin name...

I say heck with it all lets all format c: and start over...

i cant leave out the linux guru's either..

umount /data
newfs /dev/rdsk/ur drive



(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

when in doubt whip out google image search
http://images.google.com/images?q=Black … imgsz=icon



(18 replies, posted in General discussion)




(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

here you go!


then it wouldnt be so hard to to upgrade then.. move post mod is simple in 1.2.16 at the bottom of the post...

yea SOL means that..

but if u really want to pay someone to drop new files in ur ftp that kewl..

im for hire for that.

1. Upgrade to the latest version (I'm running 1.2.14) (Should I wait for 1.3?)
what mods have you installed?

2. Install the plug-in that lets you move posts to other topics or make them a topic on their own.

u can do that now with out a mod
go to topic at the bottom u will see Move topic
3. Help with w3c compliance and cross browser compatibility.
20 errors mostly are the the top part of the site..your meta links and your css links need to be fixed.

4. Help with integration with our web app.
im SOL on integrating...

5. Miscelaneous
ummm more details


guardian34 wrote:

I'm tempted to retool PunBB's look and use it for a blog.

simply why not use the punbb blog script? have best of both worlds?


a break down of the difference over all


Some people do not seem to be able to get their heads around the difference between blogs and discussion forums. To my mind, although at a surface level they have some similarities - at a deeper level they are fundamentally different.

There are two dimensions to their differences - the first the psychological dimension and the second the technology dimension. One of the major psychological differences is that you own your weblog - it is YOURS - and it represents a history of YOUR thinking - so you take pride in its ownership - something that does not make a lot of sense in a discussion forum.

On the technology front - Ray Ozzie sums up one of the major differences:

    In traditional discussion, topics and their responses are contained and organized within a centralized database. The relationship between topics and responses is generally maintained in a manner specific to the nature of the database - that is, in newsgroups the messages might be related by Message-ID hyperlinks or crudely by title, in Notes they are related by the $REF hyperlink, and so on. Summary-level "views" are generated through database queries. And that has been the general architectural design pattern of public discussions for quite some time.

    But blogs accomplish public discussion through a far different architectural design pattern. In the Well's terminology, taken to its extreme, you own your own words. If someone on a blog "posts a topic", others can respond, but generally do so in their own blogs, hyperlinked back to the topic's permalink. This goes on and on, back and forth. In essence, it's the same hyperlinking mechanism as the traditional discussion design pattern, except that the topics and responses are spread out all over the Web. And the reason that it "solves" the signal:noise problem is that nobody bothers to link to the "flamers" or "spammers", and thus they remain out of the loop, or form their own loops away from the mainstream discussion. A pure architectural solution to a nagging social issue that crops up online.

Just to help out those of you who might be unsure about this.

Use the blog to express your ideas, feelings, thoughts, etc., about a topic or an experience. Typically, a post in a blog is more elaborated both in contents and in style. People may post comments to your blog posts, so you'll have some feedback from the people who read them. Think of them as "texts" you are writing for the others to read and comment upon.

Use the forum when you want to develop a conversation with other people, sharing your views/opinions on a subject and listening to what the others have to say about that. Then you can reply back to their replies, and they to yours, as in a normal conversation among many people. Typically, the style in discussion forums is more informal, half-way between oral and written language.

*  A blog is owned by just one person, or a small group of people. The blog owner chooses the topics of entries on the blog, and controls who can read and comment on these entries. Although people can comment on entries, this is not the main focus of the blog, and it is possible for the blog owner to create private entries which cannot be viewed by anyone else. Because the blog owner has complete control over what appears on their blog, the blog can form a personalised reflection of the work, interests and ideas of one individual.
* Forums are not controlled by one person - instead, any member of the forum can start a topic for discussion. Forums rely on responses from the community to initial posts in order to form a discussion, reflecting the interests of the group rather than of an individual.


Questions have arisen over when to post a blog item and when to post a forum topic here on Communicate or Die. Here are some guidelines and tips to help clear up the differences:

Blogs are the public face of the Communicate or Die community and are meant for public consumption by the general Internet population.

Blogs are for disseminating opinions, knowledge and insights from an author to the readers.

Blogs are much more likely to be promoted by moderators to the front page and will therefore be disseminated throughout the Internet via RSS feed.

Blog titles should be interesting and descriptive and geared to the wider Internet population. The content of blog entries should also be tailored to the wider Internet community.

Forum topics
As a general rule, forum topics are more for internal communications between Communicate or Die members.

Forum topics seek input and feedback from others.

Forum topics generally contain discussions around unanswered questions that the community is trying to figure out. These discussions can happen over many weeks, months, or even years.


what i would do is go to ask.com and ask that question... and get a simple answer... or waste more time searching threw googles billion pages..



(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

bingiman... i think i know what that is..
that might be a top border....... on the h2...



(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

I really do like the style....




(24 replies, posted in General discussion)

i think that if i could do that mod. it would work great with my additional navbar for the side bar.



(24 replies, posted in General discussion)

i mean index.php forum.php blog.php...etc

when u add a link and it goes in the db  say jump.php uses jump
in the functions.php index has
id="navindex"  and that can be done in the css
since that! could there be a mod that will pull the link name "jump and assign it to the id="nav<?echo name?>" so it would produce id="navjump"
then in the css u could add the navjump code?



(24 replies, posted in General discussion)

u would have to assign each one(link) an id in the functions.php and the code each link there color and the A:hover,active,visited in the css.



(51 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

mine sql is

    MySQL 5.0.45

and my other site is

    MySQL 4.0.27



(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

bingman, u be the greatest since sliced cheese for solving the great mystery of the round corner issue !


sound like he has added his extra code out side of that div or table
so it will produce it next to it instead below it..

check where your menu ends and where the profile menu ends..

why not just add it to the profile menu when u click on military control it produces the right menu in the block