(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

This extension saves the copy of images from img/url tags on the server.

om_images (current): om_images-
om_images om_images-

Changelog: - 2016-02-10
quick reply request correction.
processing images with get params. - 2014-09-16
compability with php 5.5 - 2013-11-24
fixed issue with tag [img=title]url[/img]

How it works:

  • when user is posting, all images pointed by img tags will be downloaded by server, links will be updated

  • only jpeg, gif and png images are processed, other links are omitted

  • admin may set the max. width/height and size of downloading images

  • user may disable this feature, so no images in his post will be processed

  • when editing, old images will stay, new will be downloaded, unused will be removed

  • if post is deleted, the images are deleted as well

Writting this extension was tricky, because posts may be deleted in many places, may be moved, etc. I have tested my extension on pure punbb installation. And I don't guarantee this extension will cooperate with other plugins that are manipulating on the posts - it wolud be nice, if you check it before installing on the production. My plugin is working correctly with pun_move_posts.



(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

New session each 3 seconds smile ups... i will try to fix it, just give me 1 or 2 days.

You have to enable following options:

  • Administration -> Settings -> Features:
    Allow BBCode {img} tag in signatures (not recommended).

  • Profile -> Settings:
    Show images in user signatures.


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Tell me if I am mistaken. You want to have the list of topics, which:
- you are subscribed to
- have at least one reply

In my opinion it is nearly the same as list of subscripsion from a profile, isn't it?


(26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

Probably you have activated both: om_subforums and extension from putnik/prokop. I will change name of this class today evening.

EDIT: ok, i have commited changes to my repository => no more problems as above.


(26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

Sorry, prokop. I didn't want to offend you. It wasn't that bad afterall.


(75 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

This problem should be assigned to dimkalinux - the author of loginza extension and punbb developer. He is visiting this forum rarely, but you might send him an e-mail to reach him quicker (he is from Russia as well).

The problem can't be serious, if the extensions are working separetly. I think he will provide patch soon, if you ask him nicely smile


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 bug reports)

Ehm... I wouldn't say it is a bug, when someone is manually modyfing the database. You have to be aware, that bad things may happen when you do that smile

btw. I have written a response here: http://punbb.informer.com/forums/post/150334/#p150334


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 troubleshooting)

Have you inserted users using gid "0" (zero)? Maybe it was this mechanism (see register.php):

        // Clean old unverified registrators - delete older than 72 hours
        $query = array(
            'DELETE'    => 'users',
            'WHERE'        => 'group_id='.FORUM_UNVERIFIED.' AND activate_key IS NOT NULL AND registered < '.(time() - 259200)

Code above removes users, which gid is equal zero and are 72 hours old. It is executed when someone is registering.

How to prevent it?
a) don't set gid to zero,
b) set activate_key to something else than NULL



(7 replies, posted in Discussions)

styleroom wrote:

what table database to store this time?

It is stored in table PREFIX_users, column last_visit. It is overwritten after each login. In year 2009 was released version 1.3 - i think it hasn't changed since then.

And please use english next time smile


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

You are intrested only in colors or in privileges as well? Do you want, that users changes their color, or that users with many written posts will gain access to the forum "only for masters"?

Mods are the very trusted users that suppose to clean forums from offtopic and spam, aren't they? Or you mean, that one confirmation form is not enough, and mods are removing posts by mistake? tongue

How to avoid post deletion by mods? - tell your mods to be more carefull ^_^


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 troubleshooting)

podhane wrote:

Don't work keeshii; i send you a PM with my .css

Hm... intresting. I have added the section to the end of file you sended me and everything was working as predicted. Have you refreshed the browser's cache (usually F5 button)? Are you sure, you have made proper changes in the END of the file? If you still have problems, tell me what browser are you using, and you may also send me PM with screenshot presenting the problem, because I am still not sure if we understand each other correctly.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 troubleshooting)

Sorry, I wolud love to help you, but I don't know what you actually want. If you want to change the distance between paragraphs in the posts, just add this to the end of style/Oxygen/Oxygen.min.css (or to any other style) and the space between paragraphs will be exacly one line size.

.entry-content p {
    padding-bottom: 1em;

Changes the bbcode editor to MarkItUp. I have hook'ed this plugin, so other extensions can easly add add their buttons to the toolbar. Please don't install pun_bbcode - these two extension cannot be activated at the same time, unless you like trouble smile

om_markitup (current): om_markitup-

Fixed problem with forum_loader add_js
Prepared for php 5.5
Textarea in quickpost panel becomes smaller.
Initial version


I tried to add to bbcode some new tags, which don't have closing element. I added name of tag to array $tags_open and not to $tags_closed, but parser keep telling me, that I haven't closed my new tag during validation.

I suggest to change this fragment of code in parser.php:

@@ -480,13 +486,16 @@
             if (in_array($current_tag, array_keys($tags_limit_bbcode)))
                 $limit_bbcode = $tags_limit_bbcode[$current_tag];
-            $open_tags[] = $current_tag;
-            $open_args[] = $current_arg;
-            $opened_tag++;
+            // add open_tags to stack only if they must be closed.
+            if (!in_array($current_tag, $tags_opened) || in_array($current_tag, $tags_closed)) {
+                $open_tags[] = $current_tag;
+                $open_args[] = $current_arg;
+                $opened_tag++;
+            }
             $new_text .= $current;

This did the trick for me.

I know that arrays $tags_open and $tags_closed are equal, but now it is hard to make an extension, which adds non-closing tags into bbcode.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

This extensions adds medals/rewards to forum, that are displayed below users' avatar or signature. I saw several requests for that feature, and I decided to implement it. I've tried to create this extension as fast and efficient as possible, and I am satisfied with results. This is my most complex extension so far, I hope you will like it smile

om_medals 0.0.3: om_medals-0.0.3.zip

Added expiration date for medals.

moderator permission moved to group config.


Images of medals presented in the screenshots are not included with the extension.


(80 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

After installation everything is activated by default. Can you tell us what devices are you using and what is their user-agent strings (http://www.whatsmyuseragent.com/)?

You may see only new topics from your forum.

Try this: http://www.symbiostock.org/extern.php?a … mp;show=15

And if you wish to see the last post in the topic (not first), you will have to change line 453 in extern.php

'ON' => 'p.id = t.first_post_id'
'ON' => 'p.id = t.last_post_id'


(1 replies, posted in Discussions)

In my opinion manifest files are awsome, and there is no need to changing anything. The best part is, that punbb stores hooks in the database, which allows to uninstall an extension even if it was accidentally deleted.

Putting hooks into functions will casuse some problems like variable scopes - getting access to variables, which were declared inside another function will be troublesome.

You can always make manifest like this:

<hook id="hook_1">
require $ext_info['path']./'.file_1.php';
<hook id="hook_2">
require $ext_info['path']./'.file_2.php';

After your extension is completed you can merge all files into manifest smile This approach will save you from installing and uninstalling extension all the time while coding.


(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Instead of changing the DOM structure and breaking all existing themes I have another proposal. In my opinion styles should uses some kind of hooks. In the next verision of punbb I would like to see something like this:

//--- in the style ---

// --- in the code ---
if (get_style_hook('print_forum_row')) {
    echo '<div class="forum_row">'.$content.'</div>';

Function 'get_style_hook' will execute file from style folder, if file not exists returns true. I know that this way source code will become more complicated, but this will give more flexibility to style designers.


(13 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

holystorm_x wrote:

There is a bug. If you enter a spoiler tag like this:


it will eventually break the page by making posts go further and further right.

I have discovered what was the problem. The hook ps_preparse_bbcode_start should be removed and its code should be moved to ps_preparse_tags_start. After changes hook ps_preparse_tags_start will look like this:

        <!-- -->
        <hook id="ps_preparse_tags_start"><![CDATA[
            $tags[] = 'spoiler';
            $tags_opened[] = 'spoiler';
            $tags_closed[] = 'spoiler';
            $tags_block[] = 'spoiler';
            $tags_fix[] = 'spoiler';

Now I have no more problems with broken spoiler tag written by users smile

Adds functionality of multi-quoting (quoting many posts at once)

om_multiquote 0.0.1 (current): om_multiquote-0.0.1.zip

dependency: pun_jquery



(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Ah, sorry. Now I get it - you want to quote many posts at once smile

There is no such function in punbb yet. I may try to write it, but you will have to give me some time.

if I understanded correctly your PM, you gave me link to the pure punbb installation (without any extensions). Unfortunately the error still occurs. Not good, not good... I made some tests, and I noticed, that the error appears only when posting new message - editing is working perfectly fine.

post.php - post / preview => error
edit.php - post / preview => no problems...

In this case.... i have no idea, what is going on, maybe some freaky server settings (like mod_rewrite)? Let's try to change the name of the file from post.php to something else like "pretty_name.php", and you need also to correct the values in include/url/Defaut/forum_urls.php - change each line that contains "post.php" to "pretty_name.php". Now, when you will try to add new post, you will be redirected to page pretty_name.php instead of post.php.

If this doesn't help, then maybe there is really some problems in the source code hmm There is no extensions, so it must be something inside post.php. Let's concentrate on preview - this operation is shorter, so there is less places where the error can hide smile

in the lines 345 - 382 there is following code fragment:

// If preview selected and there are no errors
if (isset($_POST['preview']) && empty($errors))
.... // here was some code that I cutted out

try to delete this fragment from file, and check if error dissapears after pressing preview button? If yes, you can restore this code piece by piece and check, what line is causing the problem.

Tell us what were the results of the hints I gave you, then I will continue.
