i have deleted this: define('/usr/local/www/data-dist/testsite/forum/')

and now it works fine


works fine, thank you very much, BUT i have a warning message:

this is what I use:


- I have removed the exit command for not correctly defined install

if (!defined('PUN_ROOT'))
    define('PUN_ROOT', '/usr/local/www/data-dist/testsite/forum/');

and in the index.php where I want the list to appear

  <?php define('/usr/local/www/data-dist/testsite/forum/');
$temp_get = $_GET;
$_GET = array();
$_GET['action'] = 'active';
$_GET['show'] = '10';
include '/usr/local/www/data-dist/testsite/forum/extern.php';
$_GET = array();
$_GET = $temp_get;

the topics show up BUT i have this message

Warning: Wrong parameter count for define() in index.php (the page where I have included the call for extern.php)

any ideas?

"URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration" . . .

many servers do not allow including php files outside their root directory.... if I use http:// it will not work

ok, we all understand that, BUT can you say how to solve this problem? I mean, apart from reinstalling...

no, it says "there is no config.php or new installation redirecting in 3 seconds" or something

but that does not work... do you have any ideas apart from reinstalling the forum inside the directory of the CMS

:-( this would mean that I would have like 30 subdirectories in one directory (CMS + Forum + other things) this would become too complicated
there must be some other solution

for instance, what if I say in a php within the forum directory $top10 = "$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/forum/extern.php?action=active&show=10)

I now only have to access this variable from outside the directory, could this work?

index.php belongs to the cms
forum is outsite the directory of the cms like

root/forum -> place of the forum
root/cms/index.php place of the index file of the cms

forum alone is working fine, no problem, if I call the last 10 topics from a php which is inside the forum directory, it works fine

"And you do realize your variables won't do anything, right?" I am sorry, I cannot fully understand this, though I know the words :-)

well, thanks, this was my guess, but I do not know WHATI  should  revise in it?

any ideas?


I have a CMS, on the index.php in a box I want to show the 10 newest topics



however, I have the following erros message

The file 'config.php' doesn't exist or is corrupt. Please run install.php to install PunBB first.

What should I do to have the 10 newest topics on my frontpage


thank you once again, what you have suggested works brilliently :-)


Thank you for your help! Two days in an urgent situation seems like a 100 ;-)
Your comment was the first really helpful one in this topic.

I will definetly try what you have suggested, thank you for the idea!

Unfortunately, the link you have offered contains NO INFORMATION (really, I have already read that) about ways of integrating the whole forum into a particular site of an already existing design.... just to make it clear,  my intention is not to change or add header + footer to the template.... what I would like to achieve is to make the whole forum appear in a cell of a table, which table is part of a very complex design....

I am patient, but it seems nobody has really read what my question is about.... I do not want to customize the forum, I want to make it appear in a cell AS IS


well, know I can put the table tags in the header and the footer, and the forum keeps its styling, but does not care at all about the table.... so, the forum now is in a table cell (I believe) but the size of that cell does not effect at all the outlook of the forum

can anybody help please?

i have included the followings in the header.php, but the outcome is the same, no style handling at all

*****echo '<table width="940" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><td><tr>';*****

no matter if I include it before or after the header calls the css

i do not have header.tpl but I have header.php did you mean that?

"this is the script you need to intergrate other stuff into punbb"

well, in fact, I am trying to ingegrate punbb into other stuff :-)

anyway, I will look at the head.tpl though I am not quite sure what I should change....

I am sorry if this question has already been addresses somewhere on this forum, but I have not found anything about it...

I have an existing table layout in a php (or it can be html as well, no matter) and in one of the cells I want the whole punbb forum to apper

like this

inculde index.php (index php of the forum)

unfortunately, this does not work, as by using a table, the index.php forget all CSS and style, and falls into pieces, though still works.

Is there a way to make the forum appeas in a fixed width table

thank you