elbekko. You didn't understand me. In that case you are cleaning a variable that is suposed to be an intiger. I am talking about variables that are suposed to be strings, like search keywords and stuff. How do you clean a string in order no to hapen the kind of injection smartys pointed in the topic i linked?
252 2007-01-09 16:19
Re: How do you clean your variables? (21 replies, posted in Programming)
Ok, something concrete:
how do you protect from a injection like this one you pointed at this post, if you have a string var instead of a number?
253 2007-01-09 06:21
Re: A printer-friendly version of threads. (27 replies, posted in Feature requests)
mmm ok, i see, it was ot.
guardian, i dont see any use of showing a page with 60 messages normaly styled. Then also in a print version is not only the layout that changes, it's also the content,a nd it changes a lot in fact.
I made up mind mind on this, sorry. It will be a printable version mod
254 2007-01-09 04:52
Topic: How do you clean your variables? (21 replies, posted in Programming)
In order to avoid sql injections?
i use magic quotes, and for numerical values check if they really are numerical.
does anybody uses a list of stopwords or something for string variables?
255 2007-01-09 04:23
Re: A printer-friendly version of threads. (27 replies, posted in Feature requests)
I must confess i didnt understand your last posts smartyes and jeremie.
Anyway... jeremie, i dont think a "show full thread" function would be practical for anything else than a print view.
Smartys, how dificult would it be and why? can you be more speciffic?
256 2007-01-09 00:18
Re: Basic syntax colouring with line numbers (10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
or you could point the one you like and why do you think is nice
257 2007-01-08 22:58
Re: A printer-friendly version of threads. (27 replies, posted in Feature requests)
pedrotuga, why not just use CSS?
because the page content should not be the same. If i want to print a topic with 4 pages it doesnt make sense to print page by page.
258 2007-01-08 16:52
Re: .com (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
Cool site!
Yet another portuguese punbb user
Good idea to place "Powered" with a link to punbb instead of the comon copyright note. Hackers usualy use dorks like "powered by punbb" to locate possible targets.
I thought about changing it in my forums as well, but didnt know what to put yet.
259 2007-01-08 16:17
Re: A printer-friendly version of threads. (27 replies, posted in Feature requests)
jeremie, i checked the print preview of this exact page and it didnt show any diferences betwin the normal view, expet for the background remove which is a browser setting.
Thats actually a cool mode. I will chack out if i can do something, but it will take time.
In case somebody starts to write a module for a print version allow me to drop an advice: remove all vertical lines, dont wrap content in a box, the vertical lines really slow down the inkjet printers.
Just before i start anything... let me put my ideas together and please tell me if i am missing something.
So i would need to:
*place a "print this topic" link on viewtopic.php
*include comon.php
*check if the current user has read permitions ( i can use the same checking procedure as in viewtopic.php )
*remove the pagination from the sql
*output it
Is anybody avaluable to write the html/css? my skills on that are poor.
260 2007-01-06 21:59
Re: Dictionary query (2 replies, posted in Programming)
I am not shure you will find software that can do that for you. It it, thogh relativly simple to do.
No ofense, but it sounds like you want to drop spam on the web. I wouldnt like to help on such a thing. Can you be more specific on the kind of thing you want to do?
261 2007-01-06 08:26
Re: I need to increase the max message size (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
thanks smartys.
262 2007-01-06 02:03
Topic: Which working statistics modules are out there? (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
I am using punbb 1.2.12.
I searched for "stats" and "statistics" both on this board and on punres and found mainly a couple of threads not updated last year.
So.. which working modules out there?
263 2007-01-06 01:42
Topic: I need to increase the max message size (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
I havent check on the database if the message body column has a limit or not, i can check it later.
But what about the code... where do i set it?
264 2007-01-05 23:16
Re: Could this be a punbb lookalike or what (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
smartys, are you refering to copyright issues?
It looked damn slow to me. But that may depend on a lot of stuff.
They simply used a layout based on punbb.... that should not be so difficult. Just look at some outputed html and fix a way to reproduce it.
Ok, its cool with the stored procedures but isnt that supose to make it faster and more reliable? why isnt it then? lol... ok... at least faster it does not appear to be at all.
This is an open source project, so anybody can come and take whatever ideas/code/look/whatever they want, as long as they do it in agreement with punnbb's licence.
The rss icon everywhere is anoying... would you really keep rss feeds of some topic... you could, but is it really something that a user does in a regular bassis?
265 2007-01-05 19:56
Re: Unified converter! (InvPB, miniBB, PhpBB, vBulletin & YabbSE) (105 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Hey... nobody interested in coding a phorum input for this coverter ?
266 2007-01-05 00:26
Re: vBulletin to PunBB migration (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Why would you change from vB to punbb (except for the license problem)?
I know it's offtopic, but I'm curious.
speed, bandwith, costumization, templating, integration just to name a few reasons that poped in my head imidiatly.
About the migration... take a first test to check if there is no major problems.
267 2007-01-04 18:44
Re: Should I Stick With PunBB for my next project or Switch To vBulletin? (12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I think you should go for SMF. Don't get me wrong, punbb is by far my favorite forum software and i recently start to contribute with modules. But there is an issue on modules usage that i faced in the past and it's damn anoying.
If you have like 5 or 6 modules, when you update you will have to do the hard work over and over again... and some modules require going on the line 304985 of the file whatever.php and replace "xpto" by "sputnik".
If you need more bells and whistles i strongly recomend you SMF. The base core of features ( too many for my taste ) should do it. So you can easly update without any trouble.
Personaly, the thing i like with punbb is the right amount of features.... not too simplistic and not to barroc. If your comunity is not i dont think you should force it on it.
268 2007-01-03 13:27
Re: search engine friendly urls? (5 replies, posted in Feature requests)
forgive me if this has already been mentioned, im new to this otherwise excellent software.
but it is apparent to me (as an seo professional) that punbb could really be improved by search engine optimized urls.
for example:
replaced with:
http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p … f-the-post
can punbb be modified in this way? are there any plans afoot to do this?
I know a lot of forums dont do this but urls written in this way make a big difference to Google which takes account of (and regards as significant) the title of urls in assessing the merit of a page's content.
yes it can, check out my module called punmap in the modules section.
269 2007-01-02 11:53
Re: Punmap - html sitemap with fancy urls UPDATED - final release (37 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
this makes a great WAP access point too. tried it out on my new LG Fusic phone, loads fast and looks good.
Cool! Didnt even thought about that.
A good idea for a mod, like a fork of this one, or an option on this mod or something, would be an alternative viewtopic.php with minimalist template suted for wap.
This only takes a little change on the .htaccess an an aditional display topic file.
270 2007-01-02 00:21
Re: I want punbb!!!! (26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Ok.. i see you are a noob.
Here is an dead simple solution for you.
check this out..
any questions look for a guy called smartys on this forums
271 2007-01-02 00:17
Re: Punmap - html sitemap with fancy urls UPDATED - final release (37 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
And maybe fix the problem with moved posts (for exemple, link 2 here : http://shareminer.com/forum/General-talk-3/)
Thank you for sharing your work.
mmm... didn't thought about that either.
I will put that on the TODO list too.
272 2007-01-01 15:16
Re: Need some help on a sql query (5 replies, posted in Programming)
Well, first of all thank you for this talk and your tips.
I gave a look at the query on index.php on line 42. It's a long one. At a first look i think i could only change the group_id to 3. But i think i will leave that improvement for later. That would imply some more work in the rest of the code and at the moment i feel more like enjoying the script . Either efficiently or not it's fully working.
I leave that to a future version of this little module, it can be nice to a have something to do when i get bored
273 2007-01-01 13:41
Re: Need some help on a sql query (5 replies, posted in Programming)
It's not exactly the same query. The way my script was made i had to query category by category.
But i will have look. I thought about doing that before, but i wasl lazy :S
274 2007-01-01 12:34
Re: Need some help on a sql query (5 replies, posted in Programming)
I fixed it. I understand nobody answered, this a tricky one.
In fact, I dont think this is possible to do with pure sql as we are considering a lot of assumptions that don't lie in the stored data itself.
I changed a bit the aplication and got to the solution without sending a load of queries to the database.
275 2007-01-01 12:04
Re: Punmap - html sitemap with fancy urls UPDATED - final release (37 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
very nice.
edit: what is the high limit before pagination of links? or is it set the same as Topics per page default and Posts per page default?
Adjust the variable $num_links to the value of your preference
It's in the first lines of the script.
edit 2: make the board title clickable back to the forum hompeage. not a big deal.
Didnt thought about that. Will do