Bra fråga, hur fungerar det, när <input>-taggen i loginforumläret bara tar emot 25 tecken?
2 2005-01-10 16:49
Re: Tänkte bara inflika... (5 replies, posted in Archive)
Tycks inte kunna hitta någon funktion när jag modererat för att bryta loss ett inlägg i en befintlig tråd och göra det till en ny tråd?
Sen kan man undra varför man behöver en username varchar(200) i users, lite att ta i kanske? ;-)
3 2005-01-09 21:47
Topic: Tänkte bara inflika... (5 replies, posted in Archive)
... att min sajt BodyContact numera återigen kör PunBB som forumprogramvara efter att ha gästspelat lite med phpBB under ett tag. Gillar den nya designen och att det är lätt att integrera i den egna sajtens design. Dock så är det lite brister kvar som säkert kommer att åtgärdas inom närmaste framtiden.
4 2003-12-27 10:41
Re: Using punbb with own usertable (10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Kennel wrote:
Well, you can use one table for both forums and the rest of your site, but modifying PunBB to use an external table would be a lot of work. Doing it the other way round would probably be easier. It all depends though. Bottom line is yes, it's possible, but it can involve a great deal of work and you will have to know PHP and little about databases to do it.
To make my own user database integrated into PunBB, only about 20 lines of code was needed and some small database fetching functions to work.
Login -> Fetch user from my database
| |
Exists Doesn't exist
| |
Insert new user Let punbb look
into pbb_users in pbb_users
with all values if user already
needed exists there
| | \
Set variables Exists \
needed by punbb | Doesn't exist
| | \
| / \
------PunBB's own login PunBB shows the
procedure takes error login
care of the rest
Then I disable the functions for sending out lost password, register new users, etc, because those I already have in my own software :-).
5 2003-12-27 10:31
Topic: My site w/ integrated design and my own userlogin (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
I'd must say that PunBB is much easier to transform into something useful than phpBB or some other forum software. The code isn't that complex and the indented code is nice.
(I even changed the language for you english speaking dudes )
6 2003-12-27 10:20
Topic: Function for printing spacing (7 replies, posted in Feature requests)
A feature request, especially for us who are making "major" modifications to PunBB, like integrating it into the site's web design, would be to have a seperate function for the spacing table you are now putting between the elements.
I have made my own, but replacing the code in every file is time consuming:
Function PHP_PrintSpacer()
printf("<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3><tr><td class=line1px> </td></tr></table>\n");
Changing the HTML printed by the function would in fact change every spacing between elements, quite simply.