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Just learned how to use AJX. But I have some problems updating... Go and look at The the bottom left u can see a post from the forum. It is supposed to update every 15second. The problem is that in the start it doesnt and shows, timestamp 1970.... and the rest is undefined. (see the website). How can I solve this? I tried to have a separate function to get just the first post but then the second will be wrong...
Thankful for some help!
Thank u!
Having some trouble finding out where in the database that the date and time for when the message is posted is stored. I think it is in table POSTS and field "posted" but it looks like this "1156455850" or "1156455936". How am I supposed to translate that to date and time?
Im having problems while trying to modify some text. Im using a web hotel and while changing it locally on my computer I can se the changes but when I uploaded the file to the hotel the changes doesnt show. Any ideas of what can be the problem?
Im trying to add the forum into my site where I reserved a place for it already. It now says:
<div >
While running the file I get an error message:
"Warning: main(./include/common.php) [function.main]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in \forum\index.php on line 27
Fatal error: main() [function.main]: Failed opening required './include/common.php' (include_path='.;c:\php4\pear') in \forum\index.php on line 27"
Anyone who knows what might be the problem?
Might be a silly question but do I have to do both or can I choose one?
While trying to install my PunBB forum I get an error message like:
"PunBB reported: Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client"
Im using Mysql 5.0.11 so I can´t figure out what seems to be the problem. Any suggestions?
Posts found: 8