K... well is there any way to upgrade without restarting your whole forums? And when i tried it wasn't allowing me, but i'll figure that out, main problem is loosing all of my data (unless even tho im using SQLite, i could make a backup and restore from the backup once i get mysql or pgsql?


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

alright, if you look at www.syi.cc and www.rsmarket.org, you see how their ads are inside of a table between the menu and the forums? I was wondering how i would go about doing that -.-

Okay, as of right now I'm trying to fix this problem with the "Arcade Mod"

RSBM wrote:

An error was encountered
File: /home/rsbltcom/public_html/install_mod.php
Line: 31

PunBB reported: Unable to add Table "arcade_ranking"

Database reported: SQL logic error or missing database (Errno: 1)

That's what i get when trying to install the mod


Now I get this when trying to install "Cash Mod"

RSBM wrote:

An error was encountered
File: /home/rsbltcom/public_html/install_mod.php
Line: 23

PunBB reported: Unable to add column "some_column" to table "some_table"

Database reported: SQL logic error or missing database (Errno: 1)


Now I get this when trying to install "Coloured Usergroup"

RSBM wrote:

File: /home/rsbltcom/public_html/install_mod.php
Line: 24

PunBB reported: Unable to add column "g_color" to table

Database reported: SQL logic error or missing database (Errno: 1)

Trust me... many more to come

File: /home/rsbltcom/public_html/install_mod.php
Line: 62

PunBB reported: Unable to create table messages.

Database reported: Table 'messages' already exists (Errno: 1050)

This is the message I get when i try to install the private messaging mod, this is the second one ive tried using, and obviously the first one I already made the tables for the mods but it had no delete mod option neutral so basically... how the hell do i delete the tables or uninstall the mod?


(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

It's not for 'cheating' sinces there is no cheats for runescape, its just a place to sell your characters and items basically

Yes, but how do i get it to be that color on the (users online) and the (Top 20 posters) sad


(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

www.rsblackmarket.com - Arcade, Bank System, (SHOP SYSTEM SOON), working on Karma big_smile check it out

Ok, i added everything in main.tpl and my colors aren't changing =\ I did it exactly how i did when i had MyPunBB, is there anything I have to do different? Also if someone could let me know how to make UserGroup's have a certain picture in their titles (stars, dollar signs, ect)