ahh good to know *taps head* you a smart one Connorhd

i just relized something, how are you gona get pjirc to change its colors with the different user themes?


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)

Tsunami Bomb

hey i figured it out, i added $pun_config['o_base_url'] to the end of the links in the navlinks function and added it also to the end of the link to the css files....i got it workin great now...

i cant have to PUN_ROOTs, so how would i get it to work?

also everythingworks great when viewing the site in the directeries insted of subdomains....

it works when including files from different subdomains, but the style still dont work. links still point to chat.justgizzmo.com subdomain, and not forums.justgizzmo.com

im tryin to include the include/common.php, the header.php and footer.php and im useing the Oxygen theme. and the nav links are the ones that dont work, they just point deaper in the subdomin chat and not the forums one....oh yea and im useing 1.2 betta sorry for not stating that befor.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

wow thast realy nice...great job

well i have my forums on forums.justgizzmo.com, and i wana include some files to chat.justgizzmo.com, and everything includes fine but the links arnt correct and the style doesnt work. whats up?? thought it should work cuz its just down and back up a dir...nothing hard...

its been the new year for at least 14 hours now woo whoo........so happy.

i think pjirc is a great peace of work, cuz its so customizeable and kool.

awsome cant wait

ok got my channel set up now just waiting for your mod....its gona kick ass...


(137 replies, posted in News)

Site looks awsome, and i love the news system too


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

yea im prety bored too, did you know that yahoo had a module for the my.yahoo.com page for punbb and it shows the most recent posts?? i think thats kool

im not sure about what your tryin to ask on the first question but on the second one you can add a class to the button and added it to the css files

so nice, im lookin forward to this. anyone know where i could get a channel...and does anyone know how i would be able to keep a channel open so if no ones in the channel and some one signs in they arnt made op?


(254 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

when you upgrade it and you dont have the basic oxygen them as default you have to change it in the admin section and your profile,

and that reminds me maybe this should be an idea for 1.2 or 1.3 but maybe have a "default theme" in the profile, where it will choose the board theme no matter what.

your wellcome and good luck on all your other work :-)

try puting echo befor that, i had a simalar problem, so i tryed to echo it, and it worked....


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

oh sorry


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Rod wrote:

And it's not <br><br> but ... <br /><br /> (if you want your site is according to xhtml)

you dont need <br /> to be valid, i dont have thoes on my main page, and its valid


(50 replies, posted in Feature requests)

good luck gary, and dont forget to have funn :-)


(50 replies, posted in Feature requests)

i followed a link on the v3arcade site that sent me to vBulletin,org, and i signed up there, but you cant download anything unless you can prove that you own vBulletin grrrr