(2 replies, posted in Programming)

Is it possible to
1-have a command line running in mysql on a daily basis
2-that would open and close a thread depending on the hour of the day?


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Does the content of your site/forum is indexed by Google? I'd start with that


Lurker.boi wrote:

Edit: you'll also want to edit the last_post,posted,last_poster columns on the topic record to match the post and increaset the num_replies by 1

I used
update topics set poster="name" where id=topic_id
Bumped it and rebuiled the index

Seems all good

Thanks a lot!

so this new guy created a thread about "Cars"

but we already have a topic on cars many pages below.

Is there a command line I could use directly into mysql to move his post at the end of our existing "cars" topic?

btw I know there's a mod for it, I tried it and I don't find it user friendly at all.
and it doesnt happen often so might as well perform this task directly into the db.


Is it possible to have two different styles for

1-Closed threads that are sticked to the board (like some extra Rules about the forums)
2-and the other normal Closed threads that are going down?

I gave the TR.isticky element a particular color but it doesn't work since my sticky thread is also closed...

LI.postreport A:link, LI.postreport A:visited, TR.iclosed TD.tcl A:link, TR.iclosed TD.tcl A:visited {COLOR: #A8B5B5}
LI.postreport A:hover, TR.iclosed TD.tcl A:hover {COLOR: #C9D7D7}
LI.maintenancelink A:link, LI.maintenancelink A:visited {COLOR: #B42000}
LI.maintenancelink A:hover {COLOR: #B42000}
TR.iclosed TD.tcr A:link, TR.iclosed TD.tcr  A:visited {COLOR: #A8B5B5}
TR.iclosed TD.tcr A:hover {COLOR: #C9D7D7}
TR.isticky A:link, TR.isticky  A:visited {COLOR: #CF0101}



(1 replies, posted in General discussion)



(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

This line won't hide the user list but at least it will block it for non-members

after the 4th line of userlist.php ( require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php'; ) you could add

     message($lang_common['No permission']);

I'm pretty sure it'll do the trick


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)


Rickard wrote:

I'd probably take a quick backup first though. I've never tried it myself smile

It works alright  : )

Oh. cool.

I knew it's a mod but I was under the impression that mod requests fell under the feature request.. sry!


I think it could be convenient if the size of a youtube clip could be automatically smaller than the original one whenever we're quoting a post containing a Youtube tag/clip

.. I guess that's it. : )


(26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Sorry I meant Mark topic as read


This mod makes it so that topics are no longer marked as
"new" in the forum view after they have been read, if
they have not been posted in since being read.  This
mod also works on the list of forums in index.php.

I find it extremely useful


(26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I think that the Mark as read mod, PM mod, and easy bbcode mod are a must for any forums.. but if you had to pick just one, I'd say the Mark as read is essential.


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Thanks Patrik I was having the exact same problem with 1.2.16
I removed $destination_url = 'index.php'; and cleared the cache folder, now it behave the way I like it to (i.e not redirecting to the index) : )

Here's my current section in function.php

// Display $message and redirect user to $destination_url
function redirect($destination_url, $message)
    global $db, $pun_config, $lang_common, $pun_user;

     // Prefix with o_base_url (unless it's there already) 

     if (strpos($destination_url, $pun_config['o_base_url']) !== 0) 
         $destination_url = $pun_config['o_base_url'].'/'.$destination_url; 
     // Do a little spring cleaning 
     $destination_url = preg_replace('/([\r\n])|(%0[ad])|(;[\s]*data[\s]*:)/i', '', $destination_url);


(71 replies, posted in News)

mmhh.. Whenever I submit a post using 1.2.16 I'm being redirected to the Index, while in 1.2.15 I was being redirected to viewtopic.php?pid=XXXX (the post I just made) (*edit: strange that this doesn't happen here though)

viewtopic.php?pid=XXXX is a better option in my opinion because when redirected to the Index the Mark topics as read 1.1.3 mod will unfortunately display a New Message Icon in the section I just wrote in..

Since I can't tell if the New Message Icon is there because of my own post I just wrote or another one made by another user while I was wrtiting my post, I think this might become annoying..

What line should I change in order to go back to viewtopic.php?pid=XXXX whenever I post a message?


(71 replies, posted in News)

Smartys wrote:

And http://punbb.org/download/hdiff/hdiff-1 … .2.16.html should help you smile
And yes, you should upgrade whenever possible to address any security issues.

Thanks! the hdiff files are really helpful.. I upgraded to .14 then .15 and .16 in less than 2h..

Appart from the fact that the Hide User 1.0 mod doesn't seem to get along with 1.12.15 everything else seems fine!

It doesn't seem to be compatible with 1.2.15 and 1.2.16

Whenever I'm logging in, my username is appearing, but as soon as I refresh or go to any section and go back to the index it doesn't show anymore.


(71 replies, posted in News)

Should I upgrade each and every time there's a new version? Or can I just upgrade from 1.2.13 to 1.2.16?

Stupid question but I can't find the answer..

Also Smarty, I sent you a form email 2 weeks ago, you might not have received it as I read you had issues receiving form emails..

Jérémie wrote:

Myself, I've stopped asking for this major bug fix, since it will be fixed in 1.3 anyway.

Really? smile
sry I didn't know..

Do you think the code to solve this will be published separately? I'm running 1.2.13 with a dozen of mods implemented, I don't know if I can get motivated enough to spend another 30+ hours re-doing all my forum..

May I put the emphasis on the importance of this issue, as ALL the words that begins with a vowel may be used with an apostrophe in, you guessed it, French language..(and probably other languages as well).

My rough estimations are that this bug ignores one third of the potential results in a French environnement.

I'm no php developper but a simple Punbb Donor (even if my title doesnt say so) and I think that would be a great achievement if this community could focus on it again for a while... 2 years later, maybe new ideas will emerge? (since you guys are now more experienced than you were in 2005).

to your knowledge, has this issue been fixed elswhere, in another thread maybe?

I tried to implement this line in message_send.php which is part of the PMs mod.

It won't work the same way as the Preview button will actually send the message instead of previewing it..

Any way I could modify this line of code in order to implement it with the PMs mod.?

lockley wrote:

ok, nm

I usually ask my host to empty their temp files and they get the message.

arg.. sorry.. Thanks!

somehow I was sure that since both threads had the same id= they would be both deleted.