Ahh ok, I can understand why you wouldn't want to do that.
1 2006-11-25 20:35
Re: AJAX meets extern.php: Active topics etc. (41 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
2 2006-11-16 01:51
Re: Most evil technology on the web? (28 replies, posted in General discussion)
Alot of people really hate flash, but it does have its place.
yes, any site that uses flash as navigation should offer a non-flash alternative, but I also think that as things like AJAX become more popular, we'll see less and less flash stupidness.
However flash does do some really nice things, an example is the youtube style flash players. I simply love them, i've always hated the embeded windows media/realplayer/quicktime players and the flash streaming video setup is quite nice.
And I absolutely love flash for making demonstration videos, mostly due to my job, but being able to record my screen and throw it up (with comments) on my job's website makes my life tons easier.
3 2006-11-14 23:36
Re: Most evil technology on the web? (28 replies, posted in General discussion)
-Embedded midi music, although less of an issue recently still very annoying
-Audible advertisements of any kind(IE: Zap the fly, punch the clown etc)
4 2006-11-14 15:22
Re: Non-moderators as moderators or otherwise (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Well I think the simplist way to do it is let you designate any group as a moderator group.
I know the biggest issue I have is that I have forums that not everyone should be seeing, even people i designate as a moderator don't get rights to all forums. As it stands now, moderators will have to see everything.
5 2006-11-13 05:08
Re: AJAX meets extern.php: Active topics etc. (41 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Is it possible for this to take your forum permissions into account when showing the recent posts. I have it working but only shows topics from the Public forums.