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2 2006-11-03 16:52
Re: Non-moderators as moderators or otherwise (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Personally, I'd rather have any user belonging to multiple groups, that having to go around seeing what moderator group has what permission, and having to create a new group if I want them in one or another bunch...
3 2006-11-03 16:08
Topic: Non-moderators as moderators or otherwise (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
I have a forum that I only want certain people to access. This forum should only be accessible by them and nobody else. Fine, I set everyone I want to the group... now, here's the problem:
One of these people is a moderator. I only want this moderator to be able to access the forum, so I can't allow all moderators in. Also, I want him to be a moderator, so I can't just make him belong to the group.
This makes me want one of two changes: Multigroups, where a user may belong to many groups (which, IMHO, is the best fix), or making the obvious option where, if a moderator's able to moderate a forum, he should see it.