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Yeah i know that, although i prefer to totaly disable redirecting. So i change redirect function as follows. It checks o_redirect_delay and disables redirecting screen if has been configured to empty ('') value.
Do you thing i will have any problem with that ? It works just fine here.
function redirect($destination, $message)
global $pun_root, $pun_config, $lang_common, $cur_user;
if ($destination == '')
$destination = 'index.php';
if ($pun_config['o_redirect_delay'] == ''){
header('Location: '.$destination);
Btw i was trying the above mod, when i noticed that punbb halts on redirecting screen if setting a delay of null. I believe that's a bug. (Of course it works fine after the above hack)
Afaik you had similar issues when topics/posts per page fields were left empty. Do you have any idea about a validation routine in admin_options.php ?
For now i'm thinking a per key validation inside loop while (list($key, $input) = @each($form))
Unfortunately i don't know the exact min/max and default values for all fields to write such a function.
PS: You really write smart clean and self commented code, well done Rick
Is there any quick hack to disable redirecting screen wherever it's called by punbb?
Hmm, sounds that i have to start with current version. Anyway, that's not a problem.
Thanks Rickard
I'm going to install punbb into a univercity intranet and have to modify code adding new parts and remove those not necessary for this task. After code investigation and reading forum bug reports, i've decided to wait punbb next release before starting modifications.
Do you have any plans to release 1.1.3 or a bugfix sooner than v1.2 ?
PS: I was ready to adopt a different script for this project, until i saw punbb. Excellent piece of code!
Thanks Rickard
Great, are you going to release now those fixes or we should wait for v1.2?
You're right Frank, never noticed that file.
Anyway i think that should be explained in search results page. Easy to change that though
I have some problems with searching function. I'm not sure if that's a bug but let me explain the situation.
1. Sometimes, searching returns no results although the specific word exist in many posts. For example searching for the word "many" returns none although other common words can be found just fine.
2. Opening a searching result post and hitting IE back (to return to results), makes punbb to search again. That cause a delay especially for complex search queries. I think a return to cached results page whould be much better.
Really hope punbb 1.2 will fix those issues
Thanks Rickard, i'll give it a try soon
Thanks Joey
Could you please point me to a possible answer. I couldn't find anything related.
It looks that bool ops don't work, is it a bug or do i miss something ?
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