depends if you modified the original punbb..

all you would have to do is move the punbb files over to the original place and re make the config.php.. if you search around the forum i think someone has posted an example of it.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Garciat wrote:

Also, I think the whole holidays theme should be replaced already.

Post already about that. lol i like it .


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

A) this has alredy been mentiond.

B) Like someone said, you dont exaclty intstall punbb with many if any people around ... so showing them inst a problem... The only possible flaw i see is when the password is rembmerd, like a textbox does, and you can see the paswords.


(50 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

When you change the Url's and don't have what they need, like the .htacces the site is un-usable from what i can tell

I have a feeling that this could be a new: beginners support question.

SuperMAG wrote:

putting a whole name of some ones site will difinitly show in search engines ....
why dont you try live cricket...


1,640,000 for live cricket you look at them links... the first page is moslty bbc, second page you start getting other sites...  ...,18276,,00.html ...,,2224526,00.html

but you have said "and also if u think that .html have nothing to do with thne you most certainly wrong .. ."

Yes the links above are html. but a search engine dont order resutls on their language..

and relating this to your site, you havnt got any good content worth being on the first 10 pages.... … GB258GB259

and … GB258GB259

i think that is case closed... the slogon gets 31,400  hits, yet you say its not famous


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

That is more like it.. the is nice...good job!

yup... happens to me.


(51 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

MySQL 5.0.22

(one of my hosts is using 4.1.22-standard but am going to MAKE them upgrade )

Blogs with comments are just to get a reply from the views... you dont find converstations being held like a forum...

Your avrage blog is where 1 person posts things that intrest them, they want to share....


(10 replies, posted in Programming)

Not sure if your quite getting me lol

I DONT want to use I have used punbb for all my sites, and its tought me allot about php, but i couldnt even connect to a database as im used to doing it the punbb way ( so to speak)..
It pretty pointless if i only can use punbb and no other custom sites...

However i want to use the punbb template method without using punbb ....

Question: what files mange the tpl.. $tpl_main is it just header.php?

I have tried using

// Spit out the page

but no luck?


(10 replies, posted in Programming)

I  want to learn about coding a new site, not relly editing and exisiting one..

I was thinking of making a VERRY simple site... mainly aimed at small comanys who just want a simple website... People use wordpress and joomla but they have many features they dont want.

basicly its just going to be a stand-alone site where they can create pages with html code,and manage it via and admin panel...

and the template system is so i can edit the style for each site easly...
I am trying to stay away from free software, certianly with punbb if you sell it, then the person can give it on free... and i may charge for it (if i belive if it is at a good charagble level) but stuff like SMARTY tempalte could be the same..


(10 replies, posted in Programming)

its verry simple... i just want it for learining and developing perpous as i have learn all my php/mysql skills from punbb... and just want to create a small dynamic site...

yes... you can code phpbb styles to punbb, but you cant use phpbb skins on punbb....

a list of skins is avalbile

could try an ifame....i belive that it ill work

you would need to open up main.tpl in forums/inculdes/template and open up the template for your current site, and copy the contents of your site template into the template, KEEPING the orignal main.tpl content and putting it in the template...

Or you can actually integrate your whole site into punbb.

Punbb doesn't just stop at forums and can produce clan sites...


(10 replies, posted in Programming)

still making no sence...

All the $tpl_main is being defined but i cant seem to call it like punbb does??

I get it to work if i do echo $tpl_main but that isnt the case with punbb??

Please read before posting...


if ($pun_user['is_guest'])
    message($lang_common['No view']);

to userlist.php lines 32?


(10 replies, posted in Programming)

yes i know that but, but i need the bit where it does all the str_replace in (header.php of punbb) to change it all up... that only sets it, it dosnt retvie the file contese so it only outputs what was in my file.php not the tpl file

becauese im not using punbb, i have made my own files... i dont have the code where it edited the tpl to have the right code in??
make sence?


(10 replies, posted in Programming)

i am trying to implement punbb's template system into a little site i am making... its not using punbb, its a site i am coding for some knowledge...

i have looked around but i like the current punbb's template system.. its simple and easy to use...

in my own header.php i have added the loading of the templates

// Load the template
if (defined('PUN_ADMIN_CONSOLE'))
    $tpl_main = file_get_contents(PUN_ROOT.'include/template/admin.tpl');
else if (defined('PUN_HELP'))
    $tpl_main = file_get_contents(PUN_ROOT.'include/template/help.tpl');
else if (defined('PUN_PORTAL'))
    $tpl_main = file_get_contents(PUN_ROOT.'include/template/portal.tpl');
    $tpl_main = file_get_contents(PUN_ROOT.'include/template/main.tpl');

and Ive copied some of the str_replace codes like pun_status and and this had no luck..  I cannot seem to get my page to load the template??

how would I get it to work.. any hints?

at the moment i haved used the exact code... but when i get it working i will rewrite it

EDIT: just found which could do, but wpuld prefur .tpl?

na it hast to be done by code... thought it could be a little mod to have a button on each topic or even profile to sort the topics by last post or first post


(37 replies, posted in News)

Good job on the vidoes.. ( not that i need them wink

Just want to make it clear that on a local server, you dont need to enter a database prefex, where as a shared internet, most of the time WILL need one to work correctly. This would normaly be the username you use to log into the admin (eg cpanel) and in the format or *NAME*_ Like wise with the username.

I dont belive you can find out what version they are using from the site unless you are mod or admin...

All the files get the version from the database.. so in PREFIX_config there will be a version... that will be the one that the site is running..

Though im not that sure ( depends on the error) if the version number will help??

EDIT: same as FSX lol tongue

i cant fault my host... amazing support.. good value for money... I even upgraded to their reseller for no reason..