check this post:

ok, thanks Mark.

I have absolutely no idea how to do that. sad

No, it is Nicole Kidman big_smile

You may want to open the message_list.php file and look for a similar code as the one I've posted here.

I had this problem on very narrow themes and simply adjusted this:

<div id="p<?php echo $cur_post['id'] ?>" class="blockpost row_odd firstpost" style="padding-left: 163px;">

As for the inbox/sent block, this I also had to modify adding a new class to the stylesheet. The thing is, is that it looks different in FF and IE so in my case I had to do this:

#messages {
     padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; 
    margin-top: 66px; 
    //margin-top: 52px;

The id was added around thi sarea as you can see:

require PUN_ROOT.'header.php';
<div class="block2col">
    <div class="blockmenu" id="messages">
        <h2><span><?php echo $lang_pms['Private Messages'] ?></span></h2>
        <div class="box">
            <div class="inbox">
                    <li <?php if ($box == 0) echo 'class="isactive"' ?>><a href="message_list.php?box=0"><?php echo $lang_pms['Inbox'] ?></a></li>
                    <li <?php if ($box == 1) echo 'class="isactive"' ?>><a href="message_list.php?box=1"><?php echo $lang_pms['Outbox'] ?></a></li>

Hope this helps.


It doesn't work mate. You can't ask for support and then make it difficult for someone to access your site..

Where is the link?


(37 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Are you going to share the mod for it?

I have spent ages trying to get this to work after receiving zero responses here. I finally did it today and it all appears to be working just fine with all the popular browsers.

Open your include/template/main.tpl file and copy this over your existing one.

    <style type="text/css">
#left {
    width: 150px;
    overflow: hidden;

#right {
    width: 150px;
    overflow: hidden;

#main { 
    display: block; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    width: auto; 
    padding-left: 5px; 
    padding-right: 5px; 
    margin-left: 1px; 
    margin-right: 1px;



I cannot believe that there is absolutely no one in this entire community that could help me with this.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well, thats didn't work either. All it does is make the site hang. I named the file latestpost.php and added the code to it. No luck.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

I give up....

in my case I am using index.php because I am using the miniportal mod.

No one can help me out here? Can someone at least guide me to a post if you know where one can be found.



(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

I tried that but it does not work. I see some punBB sites use external files such as: latestpost.php and activetopics.php. I've searched for these files on this and punres and no luck finding them so far.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

hmm...and how do I go about doing that? I have no clue. sad


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

I am using the pun miniportal mod and I would like to know how I can add a block that displays the last post:

Here is the code I used but it comes up  with an error:

<div class="block">
        <h2 class="block2"><span>Recent Post</span></h2>
        <div class="box">
            <div class="inbox">
                <pun_include "search.php?action=show_24h">   

Thanks for the help

First of all what is this file: mod_easy_bbcode_PT.php
Secondly, where in post.php does the second part of your code go?

very confusing....


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I actually get it to work but as you mentioned it looks different in all browsers.


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I don't think this can be corrected and this is one of the major drawbacks to using divs in my opinion. I'll probably mod mine to use tables just for that area. Anyway, my problem lies in the viewtopic area. Everthing more or less looks fine. I ended up going back to the left block layout for now.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Yes, you will definitely need to make sore change to your stylesheet in order to align it more to the left.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Use this code and it will resolve that issue:

// Can we or can we not post new topics?
if (($cur_forum['post_topics'] == '' && $pun_user['g_post_topics'] == '1') || $cur_forum['post_topics'] == '1' || $is_admmod)
    $post_link = "\t\t".'<p class="postlink conr"><a href="post.php?fid='.$id.'">'.$lang_forum['Post topic'].'</a>'."\n";
    $post_link = '';
if (($cur_forum['post_polls'] == '' && $pun_user['g_post_polls'] == '1') || $cur_forum['post_polls'] == '1' || $is_admmod)
    $post_link .= "\t\t".'<a href="post.php?fid='.$id.'&type=poll">'.$lang_polls['New poll'].'</a></p>'."\n";

or if you want to use mine with images:

// Can we or can we not post new topics?
if (($cur_forum['post_topics'] == '' && $pun_user['g_post_topics'] == '1') || $cur_forum['post_topics'] == '1' || $is_admmod)
    $post_link = "\t\t".'<p class="postlink conr"><a href="post.php?fid='.$id.'" title="'.$lang_forum['Post topic'].'"><img src="img/'.$pun_user['style'].'/buttons/new_topic.png" alt="'.$lang_forum['Post topic'].'" /></a>'."\n";
    $post_link = '';
if (($cur_forum['post_polls'] == '' && $pun_user['g_post_polls'] == '1') || $cur_forum['post_polls'] == '1' || $is_admmod)
    $post_link .= "\t\t".'<a href="post.php?fid='.$id.'&type=poll"><img src="img/'.$pun_user['style'].'/buttons/new_poll.png" alt="'.$lang_polls['New poll'].'" /></a></p>'."\n";

You will of course have to make your images and place theme in your template/image folder.


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Hi Quaker,

Can you let me know if and when you ever sort out that issue I see that you have on your site as I do on mine using the left/right blocks. What I mean is that when you go to viewtopic the entire area is sent to the bottom of the page.



(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thank you very, very much Smartys. I even looked in that file and I obviously missed it. Thanks again!



(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well in my profile under "Privacy" I have this option:

*Check this option if you want to be notified by Email when you receive a Private Message.
Notify me by Email when I receive a Private Message.

I guess it is some other mod. I just can't figure out why I can't find the text. I looked in all the files because I thought it may have been hard coded. I also checked in the DB and no luck. Well, I will have to keep searching. I usually keep a list of all the mods I install but this one obviously slipped me.