Extensions should be where all additions such as those are kept. That doesn't mean to say that I don't think some of those things don't have a use, however. I was merely pointing out that one persons idea of what is essential is very narrow. It applies personally rather than globally in most cases. To try and steer development in that direction is a fallacy, however.
The extensions will grow as the 1.3* base grows and matures. Plus, the extension system allows for those types of addition to be incorporated in a more consistent fashion than before, making inhouse design slightly simpler.
The point was not intended to be argumentative, but merely to point out that the base ought to remain as is, i.e: small and to the point. The extension system itself lends itself to any ulterior requirements, without having to guide development that way. Plus, Informer are a company, so I would assume that certain niche extensions might be negotiated for a fee.