
I'm not a programmer, but I'd like to see the file name changed on upload to convert spaces to _ or to -

I really like where this script is going.  A lot of potential here. 

BTW, anybody else think that resizing the image on upload or giving the option to resize on upload is a good idea?   My users will have a hard time trying to resize images locally and if the uploader can do it... great!

Just checked. It does leave spaces intact, and you can't use quotes in the [img] tags. M$ has a lot to answer for, spaces in filenames indeed........ big_smile Spaces ought to be stripped and replaced, but resizing your final image should be done before upload. If you want the script to do that, then it's a case of altering it. Just copy the thumbnail generation code, if you want to incorporate it. Either that or ask Koos nicely if he might be inclined to adding the option to his script. big_smile

nickfzx wrote:

images show up as urls not images if there is a space in the image file name...which is why I won't be using this just yet.

Proper operating systems wouldn't use any spaces in filenames. big_smile Seriously though, all you need to do is slightly modify the uploadimg.php script to include quotes around the urls, so it's "http:/path/to/file" instead of unquoted.


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Managed it, (just). big_smile Here's the link to the diff: … r.diff.txt

It has the same format as the url tags. The basic [lbox][lbox] format with the url inbetween the tags, and the [lbox=][img][img][lbox] format which allows it to show a thumbnail pic in the thread and link the larger image to the lightbox script. This one will take all the images from the topic/thread and show them in the slideshow type view. (Not sure if the slideshow function only applies to Lightbox V2).


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Smartys wrote:

Did you enable img BBCode in your forum? tongue

For a moment I was thinking I might look a right muppet then, big_smile, but checked and yup, I have. big_smile

I've copied and adapted the [url]parsing code, and have managed to get a basic lightbox parser working. I'm going to try and adapt it now to work with Koos 'Automatic Image Upload' format, the [url][img][img][url]setup to provide the preview thumbnail over the clickable link. Going to try and get the slideshow option in as well. Will post the diffs if I manage to get it all working. smile


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Smartys wrote:

It means exactly what I said tongue
The output that PunBB creates when using the img BBCode tags is modified to take advantage of the Lightbox script. It doesn't require the user to write any HTML.

Just checking. big_smile It don't work, though. big_smile Have just disabled html, put the image url between standard [img] tags, and it just embeds it on the page, as usual.


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Smartys wrote:

It modifies the parsing of the existing img BBCode wink

Talk about giving just enough info to confuse someone even more. big_smile Does that mean the url info goes between standard img tags, then?


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Smartys wrote:

A PunBB mod that implemented it would rely on BBCode wink

big_smile Here's the readme file for the lightbox incorporation into punbb: … readme.txt

It may just be I that's missed the obvious, but I can't see any bbcode tag there. smile How would one go about incorporating it into the bbcode if so?




(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I've just put up the info for the lightbox settings. The basics are the same across them all, (plus punres is down). big_smile


The settings are halfway down the page.


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Just out of curiosity, without enabling html in posts, how would one go about implementing the use of the quicktime/real mod and lightbox, (not the gallery one), which use the <a href links?

elbekko wrote:

Oh right, it uses the lang/*/common.php file for it's (rarely used) language stuff. But that should only be used when you explicitly define a language index to be used when creating the field. Shouldn't give this kind of error =/

I've finally given up on it. It was driving me to distraction. big_smile Thanks ever so much for all the assistance, however. Greatly appreciated. smile

Just as an aside, it has forced me to write my own updates into profile/viewtopic/admin_options and the lang files to achieve this function, so is it worthwhile me popping up the diffs when I've finished it just incase anyone wishes to use them later? smile

I seem to be on a roll with useless nuggets of info today. big_smile This is an alteration for line 55 in the broadcast mail plugin, again for a pgsql database. Change line ~55 to:

$sql = "SELECT count (username) AS usercount FROM ".$db->prefix."users WHERE username != 'Guest'";

elbekko wrote:

Make sure the language files of the mod are there.

Which language files? I didn't note any files packaged with the plugin itself, and for the life of me I can't figure out exactly what is supposed to go in common.php. big_smile

Smartys wrote:

Just when trying to use the one plugin?

Pretty much. big_smile The others have all been down to sql alterations being needed, (I hate sql), but this one is just refusing to work full stop. big_smile Tried it again earlier and it happens on all the forum pages once installed, not just the plugin page as I first thought.

Don't know if this info is of any use to anyone, but the problem where it doesn't list global topics, (Error: Unable to get topics.), from a pgsql databse can be sorted by altering the following line in the plugin, (line 238, I believe) to the one posted  below it.

Original line:

//Find topics with the same subject and posted time (chances are they were made by this plugin)
$resultg = $db->query('SELECT * FROM '.$db->prefix.'topics GROUP BY subject, posted HAVING count( id ) >1') or error('Unable to fetch topic list', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

New line to replace it:

//Find topics with the same subject and posted time (chances are they were made by this plugin)
$resultg = $db->query('SELECT subject, posted FROM '.$db->prefix.'topics GROUP BY subject, posted HAVING count (posted) >1') or error('Unable to fetch topic list', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());


Have reached the stuck stage with another mod. big_smile Found one thread making reference to the common.php file, but it wasn't very specific as to exact meaning. The problem I'm getting is this message when trying to use the admin plugin for the above mod:

There is no valid language pack 'English' installed. Please reinstall a language of that name.

Might anyone be able to suggest where I'm going wrong? The lang/English folder is present and correct, BTW. smile

Thanks once again,


guardian34 wrote:

Matt, you might want to check the database to see if the permission was set for admins when the mod was installed.

I applied the differences from that updated package that HJH has created, and it's working a treat now. Cheers. smile

HJH wrote:

It's not you, I stumbled upon the same issue.
I fixed it in a slightly modded version of the PM plugin you can find here: (in the punbb folder).

Actually the main reason for this modded version was that I needed postgresql support; this fix was just a side issue.


Thanks ever so much for that. It now works a treat. smile Ironically, I downloaded your package the other day for the install_mod file as I too needed the postgresql support, (so I owe you a big thanks for that as well), but I never realised it also contained the solution to this problem. big_smile Once again, thanks ever so much.

I don't see any messages link for the admin. If I go directly to the message_list.php page, I get this message in the info box:

You do not have permission to access this page.

Hello all.

Just wishing to enquire as to whether I may be missing something, what I have to double check/update, or whether the option is unavailable. With the PM mod, everything is working fine, (big thanks for the mod), but I can't find any way of enabling PM's for the admin. The plugin has options for members and mods, but nowt for admin. I've looked through the archives, but for the life of me can't find a way to enable it.

Thanks in advance,


Smartys, thanks ever so much. smile Found out what was causing the problem thanks to your advice. It was indeed the manner in which the server was handling the files. For future reference, incase anyone else comes across this problem with Lighttpd and PunBB, the relevant line needs adding, (if not already in existence), to the mimetype.assign section in the lighttpd.conf file:

".css"          =>      "text/css"

The above will make the style sheets work as expected with Firefox. Thanks once again ever so much for your help. smile I'd have never twigged that the problem laid in that area. Stripping ones configs down for specific applications can bite you in the backside on occasion. big_smile Thanks once again.


Smartys wrote:

Your forum is serving up the stylesheets as downloads: could that be causing an issue?

Not sure. Css files are using the system default as far as the webserver, Lighttpd, is concerned.Should they have a specific mimetype assigned to them? Apologies if that seems a blatantly obvious question. I've had no dealings with css files, (knowingly), as such upto just. big_smile BTW, thanks for the help. This problem is giving me some right head scratching. big_smile

Hello all. Apologies if this question has been asked and answered before, but was unable to find anything in the archives. Have installed 1.2.14, and having a problem where the forum will display fine from I.E and Opera, but when viewed with Firefox shows no styling whatsoever. All boxes and text are there, but on an otherwise blank page, with the layout also to cock. Also re-installed and setup a test one to make sure the first attempt hadn't gone awry, and that one was the same. Might anyone have suggestions to what I might be able to check?

Thanks in advance,
