Anatoly wrote:
GodsDead wrote:

Well theres the answer to my question, at teh moment im doing all development work on my localhost, and cant send out emails...

Because of this?


Anatoly wrote:

What is being used for local development? Mails are possibly stored in some files. There are also sendmail emulators to catch messages.

Honestly, it'll most likely be a lesson in distraction and frustration, trying to get him to sort his local delivery out, or accessing the mail file directly. If he doesn't have the knowledge already to access the mail or get the local mail system running, it is somewhat beyond the scope of the board to help on that particular matter. smile

Anatoly wrote:

Another possible solution: register as a new user and just copy his password filed into yours. Passwords must be the same for them now.

Hadn't thought of that option. smile

Edit: If it's 1.2* you're running, the passwords are encrypted via the one of the following methods, (in order of preference), if I remember correctly: sha1, mhash, or md5. The pun_hash function is the one for hashing the passwords. As for 1.3*, I honestly can't say offhand.

Anatoly wrote:
GodsDead wrote:

haha yea but i cant login as admin as i have just converted like i said

Try to reset all the paswords, including yours. And go through "forgot password", generating new password for yourself as admin. Does it help?

He won't be able to receive the e-mail notifying him of his newly generated password. big_smile

Which version are you using?

Anatoly wrote:

Yup, I'm going to keep it up and we'll involve more official developers into this process day by day smile

That is extremely good to hear. smile

Anatoly wrote:

Sorry, but I have replied this many times and I don't think you are correct.

If you carry on responding to users posts with the same efficiency you have been doing over the last day or so, I may actually start to believe you. big_smile Btw, that isn't a sarcastic comment. It is actually good to see you responding to users questions finally. smile

Anatoly wrote:
quaker wrote:

mattf, I like the mod that you did for me a while back.. and i still use it on punbb.1.21xxxxxxxxxxx
with the captcha and spamhaus mod..

I think that would be a great addon even with the contact forum...

i have had hardly no spam since you did that mod for me..

I suppose we will add it to our official extensions list and this will be done in 2-4 weeks.
Nevertheless, I still would like to see the concrete features list you really need ))

Anatoly, the captcha is merely a standard captcha type setup, as you can see here:

I believe it was derived from Mediators? captcha mod which is listed on here and PunRes.

and this is the code I use on my current 1.2* derived setup for the SpamHaus check:

function rblcheck()
        $rblserver = array();
        $rblserver[] = '';

        $fip = get_remote_address();
        $rip = implode('.', array_reverse(explode('.', $fip)));

        foreach ($rblserver as $xrbl)
                $rblcheck = $rip.'.'.$xrbl;

                if ($rblcheck != gethostbyname($rblcheck))
                        $page_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']);
                        message('Your I.P address: ('.$fip.') is blocked due to it being listed in the following database: <br/><br/>[ $xrbl ]');

That merely checks the users I.P address against any RBL servers you specify in the $rblserver array.


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

lie2815 wrote:

Why would that be needed?

I believe Anatoly is referring to the site as a whole rather than the extensions specifically, i.e: the general non-standard features you have incorporated in the site, such as that page view for a project and it's code and such. smile


(61 replies, posted in News)

Anatoly wrote:

First of all, "tomorrow" is stated here for you to have time to post your opinions, just as you have done it.

I appreciate why you use the word tomorrow, and also the fact that we all have personal lives to attend to, but what I was specifically referring to is the fact that you do appear to use the word tomorrow rather than just unacknowledged. All previous instances where I can remember seeing that word being used haven't had the stated follow up done 'tomorrow', unless I've overlooked them.

Btw, I'll refrain from adding any more off-topic posts to this thread now. smile


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

He is wondering if their is a 'bridge' module for that particular cms to combine the pun user logins with the cms's user info, I believe, Anatoly. smile

Redonkuless, if that is indeed what you are referring to, then that bridge module, (if one is available), would most likely be found on the site of the cms you are using. I highly doubt there will be anything in the way of integrating 1.3* yet, however.

quaker wrote:

that understandable..... flux? hehe..

Nope. Neither. big_smile Pure and simple reason is that I'm not planning on migrating/updating to the 1.3 branch, so haven't bothered looking at how the new extension system works. I have no need yet, personally. smile

I'm quite willing to pass my 1.2* code on to anyone who may have an interest in porting any of my mods, however.

quaker wrote:

can't wait til it is ready for 1.3

Must admit, I personally have no plans as of yet to write any extensions for the 1.3 branch. As to whether I'll change my mind later on, who knows, but definitely not in the immediate future. smile

Anatoly means what features do you require in the mod specifically? i.e: do you just want a captcha, do you want something like Sirena's mod with the questions etc.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

anutka wrote:

If for some reasons you don't want to report bug right here

Judging by what Neal said, this is a done and dusted bug, already taken care of in the 1.2.17 update. Dante is running an outdated version.

quaker wrote:

p.s. lets stop hating..  we might not like what has happen here, but learn to get over it... or move on.

Scott. Hate is not a factor. It is pure and utter frustration and annoyance in regards to their 'stomp on everything attitude' whilst at the same time ignoring everything which they cannot see a direct commercial benefit from. They appear to have found a fast method to stomp on every accepted aspect of what Open Source infers in one fell swoop on this board.

Truth be told, I'm coming to the conclusion that they are purposefully trying to drive everyone away from this board so that the FluxBB board will take on the responsibility of helping users whilst this company just continues using the Flux code as is with their expansions chucked in as a commercial product.
Call me a pessismistic devil, but they appear to be trying to keep their cake whilst eating it, i.e: minimal amount of core coding, (if any at all), no user support and commercial gain from least work required.


(70 replies, posted in News)

Anatoly wrote:
MattF wrote:
Anatoly wrote:

Yup. This will be done.

When? The RC download still has the copyright violation, judging by the quick look I just had.

It doesn't seem to us a good idea to modify already openly released version.

To be honest, it doesn't matter a monkeys what your companies opinion is on this matter. You are directly violating a copyright. That is not a matter you address at your convenience or when you see fit. Plus, there is no valid technical reason not to update that source with a valid copyright. It would neither directly nor indirectly affect anything.


(70 replies, posted in News)

Anatoly wrote:
Vovochka wrote:
PunBB breaks 5.a because all FluxBB copyrights are removed.

Smartys wrote:

No matter what, if code based on FluxBB is used, then FluxBB's copyright statement has to be kept intact.

Yup. This will be done.

When? The RC download still has the copyright violation, judging by the quick look I just had.


(61 replies, posted in News)

Anatoly wrote:

I will remove Pun/Flux discussion posts from here tomorrow.
Create separate topic for this in General Discussions please.
I will answer any concrete question (FluxBB related) there if any.

Rather than conveniently making them disappear, can you not split the topic and place the posts you class as unsuitable or off-topic in a new thread in general discussion?

Edit: Also, whilst on the subject, why are answers and everything else always offered tomorrow, and never now? Tomorrow never comes.

Most likely CSS related, as that is what controls the placement of those areas.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

headbuster wrote:

Thanks for the advice! I have been fighting 3 months now big_smile

If it's been up and running for three months, the content, (or lack of, to be precise), is most definitely your main concern to tackle.


(61 replies, posted in News)

matt1298 wrote:

I would do the same, however like I said over a fluxbb I don't feel its right to leave the users of punbb/fluxbb out.. around 90% of the people that provided support daily for users have moved to fluxbb...

And thats why I will help as much as I can on both forums (If im wanted wink)

That is what I would prefer to do too, to keep helping, (where possible), on both boards. However, the fact that Anatoly is the only dev/mod who shows even the slightest interest on here, and the fact that any questions they don't like regarding their intentions or pretty much anything relating to PunBB they don't deem worthy to answer are just being completely ignored is becoming more than merely irksome now. (It's getting on my tits big style, to be truthful).

I can see perfectly Jeremie's point of, (to put it bluntly), letting this place kill itself. That will eventually not be to the detriment of the users, but rather to their benefit, in the long run. The other board will not be short of technical help for users if they decide to ask on the forum where they are actually going to get useful help.

It's just the fact that this is the PunBB board that makes it so hard to make that break. big_smile But, at the end of the day, a name is merely a name.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Get the URI submitted to the search engines and get some content upon your site. People will only visit if there is some content they are interested in. Once links start appearing on other sites to yours, the search engines will pick up on it more and it will become more visible. You absolutely need to get some worthwhile content up there however, or you will be forever fighting a losing battle.


(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

Reines wrote:

I am not sure if just carrying it inside the file still for fills that or not, I'm afraid I don't know the GPL very well.

The original copyright note as well as the new authors/editors copyright have to be in the source files or supplied with the source. Some use a single copyright file, some incorporate it into each file. Removal is an infringement.

The visibly displayed copyright that you tend to see at the bottom, (with the vanity icons, if any), can be a bit of a grey area. Removal of it is always poor form, but not necessarily an infringement. However, a lot of authors/copyright holders do insist that the publically displayed copyright has to remain in place as part of their licence. I believe Coppermine is one such software that specifies that prerequisite, (off the top of my head), but there are plenty more that do so too.

I believe the above is correct, even allowing for my shonky memory. big_smile


(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

Anatoly wrote:

If I'm correct, users of GPL software can legally remove any public copyright notices.

Like hell they can. That completely goes against the basic rule of the GPL. The copyright has to remain. Period. Or, are you referring to a link displayed visibly somewhere on the site? Even removal of that violates a lot of specific softwares conditions.


(61 replies, posted in News)

hcgtv wrote:
MattF wrote:

As I noted last week, this place would be useless as a support forum if it was left to the current owners here to help users, if they maintain their current trend.

Came back online today to check this thread, hoping to see some dialogue from the current owners or at least a comment from one of the new moderators telling us to stay on topic.

Must admit, I wasn't expecting them to say bugger all. I realised, once they ignored this thread: … 05#p115505

that they have sod all intention of being forthright on here.

Call me pessimistic, but I have zero trust or faith in them. I think I'm going to follow Jeremie's advice and just start ignoring this place full stop, (once I manage to resist the temptation to check back here). It's akin to flogging a dead horse on here now, in my personal opinion.


(61 replies, posted in News)

Ah right, so make the releases appear a bit sooner after conception than three years. big_smile