Screwed mod_sec rule.


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Cheers. smile I was just curious. I setup a meta description tag to mirror the topic/category/section subject/description a couple of months ago, but never got round to testing whether it made a jot of difference. I know the answer to that one now. big_smile


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

So is it the meta description tag that alters how it's listed/indexed?

SuperMAG wrote:

but if u still look closely and test every feature of the beta fourm ... and i mean every single one of them ... i think all the bugs will be fixed ...

Nice of you to offer to do so. We'll await your reports in anticipation.

Getting the exact same thing here.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

StevenBullen wrote:

I hate producing small pictures.... sad They never come out like you want them too.

Too true. It is awfully limiting on ones artistic prowess at that size ain't it. big_smile

SuperMAG wrote:

no i dont have any experience in that ... if thats what you meant :d

That was obvious from your post. It was sarcasm. big_smile


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Do they have a small version of that, or just the 32x32 that's in the download? Tried scaling that one down, but you can hardly tell what it is once it gets down to 12x12. big_smile


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Incorporated it into the articles section too now. big_smile Does this 12x12 icon look okay, btw?

Or is this one better?

SuperMAG wrote:

looking at the every code line and testing it in the demo place will make you found almost all the bugs

Speaking from experience are you?

How long is a piece of string?

gleb wrote:

Wasn't what I'm was looking for. I don't want to get a country flag per user I want to be able do describe a person, team or whatever by using a country flag/country image before the name. Let's say I want to describe a match between two teams. I will use:


Would it be possible to edit parser.php or any other file and add a new TAG called [flag] were you could add px limitation to 12px X 12px?

Ah, apologies. I misinterpreted your requirements. smile Just copy all the img entries in the parser, rename the new entries to flag, (except for the output which obviously needs to be <img), and add the height/width parameters to its output tag.

Peter wrote:
MattF wrote:

I wouldn't spend too much time trying to make them filter friendly. You'll find the likes of Yahoo/Gmail/AOL/Hotmail are a law unto themselves regarding what they term as spam. You will most likely fail to get most of them through. big_smile

So what's the solution? I have too many 3200's in my database. I don't get it...

There aren't any solutions, to be truthful. You'll give yourself grey hairs and nowt else trying to get through their filters. Check any of the MTA lists, (Postfix, Exim, Sendmail), and you'll find the same answers. The deliveries will get binned for no discernible reason.


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

That prediction is pretty damned accurate smartys. big_smile There is also an indirect fourth category too, (closely linked to category three). Mods/extensions. Unless the coding and security levels improve big style on some of the mods, there are people who will be loathe to have to recode half of the, (what will now be), extensions, to work securely and as expected. I definitely fall in categories three and four. big_smile

Plus, to be honest, there's nowt in 1.3 that I really find a necessity, personally. UTF8 I already have. Search function isn't an issue. Extensions, they are fairly moot. Anything else that may rock my boat, I can easily add to 1.2* if required, which would involve less work than adapting 1.3 to takeover from the current setup. big_smile And those fancy uri's are definitely not on my list of top requirements. big_smile

If you look over on Punres, I believe someone released a mod for the country flags. (I seem to remember it had flaws, though. I could be mistaken upon that, however).


(3 replies, posted in Programming)

Never noticed that one, but I'd personally think, why not. Can't hurt anything?

Why are you using country flags within posts? Surely the user details segment would be a better place.


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Yup. big_smile I've absolutely no intention of migrating to 1.3 anytime soon. (Or possibly even later, for that matter). big_smile.


(5 replies, posted in Programming)

Post the CSS you're using for: <tr class="linetop">?


(6 replies, posted in Programming)

Guess who could kick himself now? big_smile Yup. I'd moved the header.php further down, (as it seemed pointless calling the header further up just incase it was going to exit with the message function), and I had done a grep of header.php to check that $result wasn't used in there, but had never twigged to check the one file that was included via header.php. That's another one to go on my list of self inflicted injuries. big_smile

Thanks Smartys. smile


(6 replies, posted in Programming)

This is how the code was before I just changed it:

That one displayed nothing from the while loop. The table was completely empty.


(6 replies, posted in Programming)

Exactly. I can't figure that out. big_smile The code in that link is now working fine. However, the db queries were just using $result for all of the db query results before, (and had been doing so for several months without trouble). I changed them to $result, $catresult and $dldresult respectively a short while ago to isolate them completely. Until I did that, however, the while loop was outputting zilch. I can't honestly see why that last query would have had it's $results, (now renamed to $dldresults), vars content overwritten though.


(6 replies, posted in Programming)

Can someone possibly point out what I'm missing here. This code:

is now working fine, and had been doing so until some code tidying I must have made over the last several days sometime, but when I tried to view the categories a short while ago, nothing was displaying within the table. I had to change $result to $dldresult to get things working again. I honestly cannot spot for the life of me why $result would have been reset. Plus, this part:

// If there are no downloads in this category
if (!$db->num_rows($dldresult))
        message($lang['download']['Empty category']);

was obviously noting the result correctly, as the empty category message was not being displayed, and it displayed the empty category message fine when the ! was removed to toggle the test. So...., if someone could berate me for the obvious muppet moment I'm having, I'd highly appreciate it. big_smile




(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jarkko wrote:

Looks okay to me. smile

Cheers. smile It's been an absolute bugger to get working nicely though. big_smile

It's based on this:

Not exactly what one might call the lightest of software, but requires far less intensive scripting than the alternatives I've found so far.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Sorted. smile How's the setup now? It still only does topics, but it has a graceful exit now. big_smile