Not sure what you are meaning?


(11 replies, posted in Feature requests)

If I understand you correctly, just make a group for those users and give that group access to the required sections.

If you look in index.php. search for the parts with the icon.inew, (I believe that's the default new icon, but may be incorrect), and the relevant code which sets the new/old icon status.


There are 2 things i can't work out (is that english??)

That is perfectly valid English, btw. smile

I've always thought of a portal as one page, dynamically generated or static, that is literally a link to all the important aspects, (or parts which the site owner considers important), of the site, as well as providing at a glance info on those sections. As the name implies, a portal to the site. big_smile The problem is that these days the term gets used for just about everything.

A C.M.S is exactly what the term infers. A content management system.

Have posted both the Atom and RSS generators up, so you have the choice of either/both:

There is a langfile to go in lang/English/, a feed_functions.php file to go in include/user/, and then the two atom.xml and rss.xml files to go in the root forum dir. The scripts are call via one of four parameters:

[path/to/forum/]atom.xml?cid=[category id]
[path/to/forum/]atom.xml?fid=[forum id]
[path/to/forum/]atom.xml?tid=[topic id]

The fourth one is for if you are running the sub-forum mod. It will generate a feed for all of the child forums of a parent forum:

[path/to/forum/]atom.xml?pfid=[parent forum id]

These are feeds on the test forum:

Edit: Obviously, change atom.xml to rss.xml above if you're using the RSS feeds. big_smile


(7 replies, posted in Programming)

Cheers. smile Thanks again. smile

If there isn't one knocking about, I'll try and backport the one I use for you. It has latest message/topic selectable display.


(7 replies, posted in Programming)

Rickard wrote:

if (function_exists('fopen'))
   // bla bla

Hosts completely disabling fopen() is quite rare though. They generally just disable allow_url_fopen.

If fopen is enabled, but allow_url_fopen is disabled, will that enable the fopen function to access local files but not (remote/external to filesystem) files? If so, I've cocked up on my above question. big_smile It's the ability for fopen to connect to an external uri which I was wishing to check for. smile

My apologies if I have mis-phrased my question. big_smile

Many thanks again,



(7 replies, posted in Programming)

The fopen function. It's one that I use in the download mod to check if a ftp server is accepting connections. Would I need to make it manually enabled/disabled within the script, or could I check via the script itself if fopen will work?

bingiman wrote:

ok, but how do you overcome the issue with the download paths. Will it be placed in the admin area of does the suer have to add it themselves?

The links in the admin index have been added. All you need to do, (or do you want me to do it before I e-mail it over)?, is exchange the navlink 'uploads' for 'downloads'. smile

bingiman wrote:

You lost me here:

btw, Mega Pun won't run happily on it.

on what?


With regards to PgSQL, btw, Mega Pun won't run happily on it.

big_smile big_smile


(7 replies, posted in Programming)

Is there any check that can be made by a script to see if fopen is enabled on the server?



No probs. smile I've also altered the install.php so that passwords are asterisk'ed when entered, and http:// is suffixed to the base url. With regards to PgSQL, btw, Mega Pun won't run happily on it. I've managed t get the installation problems sorted so that I can test this download mod, but some of the mods are, to put it subtly, a bit shonky. Some of the code won't run with PgSQL in some of the mods, as it is.

The download mod is installed and inplace now though, with the installer for both PgSQL and MySQL included in install.php. smile

Christ, you do know how to cause me extra work. big_smile Finally, (apart from those two column names I mentioned earlier), got the thing to install on PgSQL. The download mod works fine on MegaPun. Uploaded two files, and both show straight away in the downloads section, no problem. It would appear the problem you had is local to your machine, because I can't replicate it here. smile Btw, do you want me to get that download mod plugged into the code for you, including the installer and admin_options?

Received it through fine, cheers. smile The installer needs some work for PgSQL. big_smile I've sorted most of the installer syntax, but just stuck on a couple of items. Two table entries. User and column. PgSQL refuses to let those be entered as column names, and they're used by a couple of the mods. smile Just trying to figure some way around it.

That's a bugger with the hosts, btw. Bet you must be well peeved by now.

bingiman wrote:

I think it does actually. I know tinytim from designed the install exactly in the same way as punBB.

Nice. smile Any chance you could e-mail it over? I assume it is the up and coming 4.0 you're trying to plug it into? Oh, btw, your site's offline.

Does Mega Pun install on PgSQL db's? If so, I could give it a try and test run here. smile

That's only on the categories, and you can manually set it, so that's not causing the problem. smile Have you set the download directory name correctly? Have you altered the download names from the default? Do the directories you have created show in that 'select directory' drop down list in the admin_downloads section?

It installed and ran perfectly on the standard setup here first time, so I'm not quite sure where your problem may lay, offhand. big_smile

bingiman wrote:

That shouldn't matter on a windows XP box. It should work.

Windoze and work are never two words I would picture in the same paragraph. big_smile I'm just wondering if having to lose that auto increment has affected things. I'll have a peek at the code and check. I never expected a db to have such a limitation.

Just thought. There's one other thing it may be. big_smile File permissions. It chmods directories/files permissions. I do tend to be a bit draconian on occasion, so you may need to alter these two, near the top of admin_donloads.php, to be less restrictive:

$dirperms = 0700;
$fileperms = 0400;

0777 on the dirperms will give all system accounts write access to the directories, 0444 will give all system accounts read access to the files. smile

Enter a name for the download. Until you change it from the default, it won't show up in the download section. smile It's a failsafe so that you can add multiple new downloads to the category, before you start editing them and uploading/linking to files. Until the name changes from the one created by default, they show in the category count, but aren't visible.

Also, it's just been mentioned that there can only be one auto increment per table in MySQL. ( Thanks for that info dmspilot00 smile ). So....., change this line:

disp_position INT AUTO_INCREMENT,


disp_position INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

Cheers. That's a devil with the two auto increment bits ain't it. big_smile Thanks ever so much. smile

Give that new db update script I've just e-mailed you a try.

Just had a look at install.php, to try and get an idea of the syntax. Change those create table statements to this:

        $db->query("CREATE TABLE ".$db_prefix."download_cats (
        cat_name VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'New Category',
        cat_desc TEXT,
        total_files INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        disp_position INT AUTO_INCREMENT,
        PRIMARY KEY (cid)
        ) TYPE=MyISAM;");

    $db->query("CREATE TABLE ".$db_prefix."downloads (
        download_name VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'New Download',
        download_desc TEXT,
        cat_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        download_uri VARCHAR(150),
        file_location VARCHAR(150),
        download_count INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        file_size VARCHAR(25),
        file_version VARCHAR(25),
        file_licence VARCHAR(100),
        file_os_types VARCHAR(100),
        date_added VARCHAR(25),
        link_status VARCHAR(8),
        PRIMARY KEY (download_id)
        ) TYPE=MyISAM;");

I haven't tested this, obviously, but I *think* that should work. smile

Bugger. Forgot to reset the PUN_ROOT on that update script. big_smile Apologies. smile Until the syntax is converted to MySQL rather than PgSQL syntax, the table creation won't work. I'll just repost the link to that dbupdate file if anyone is feeling in a kindhearted converting mood. big_smile … update.txt