Jérémie wrote:Myself, there are several key advances I really looking forward too:
- MySQL fulltext search (i.e. no more slow, huge, and more important bugged search system)
- native and full utf-8 support
- clean URL
- granular ATOM feed
- extension system (i.e. modding without altering the core source), with multigroup capability being the front runner
The search system could be modded on 1.2.* if it was a problem personally. By fulltext, I'm assuming you mean searching for the entire phrase entered rather than splitting the words and searching?
Utf-8 I already have, so that ain't on my list of concerns.
Atom feed I already have, and it works perfectly well for me. I never wanted granularity down to individual topic level, which is why I never wrote that in. Forums/categories and site are ample. If, however, I ever changed my mind, It'd be a doddle to add that functionality to what I already have.
Clean URI, I personally have no use, need nor want for. Btw, doesn't that involve using httpd rewrite rules too, or is the method totally altered in 1.3?
Extension system. Again, couldn't really say as I'm yearning for it. It still has to be written, so it is just an alternative, (and somewhat more practical for someone who doesn't want to do any coding), method.
Honestly, there's nothing there whatsoever that rocks my boat. I'm not saying it's not better, btw, merely that I don't class anything in it as a personal want.