
(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Right. I've done it the way I should have and actually checked to see if it will work. Nope. big_smile It is text only as you said. So, on a different tack, is there any easy way to subsitute another image if the main icon isn't available? These would be remote sites icons, btw.

Cheers again.


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm not altogether sure if it would accept, (and I'll admit I haven't yet tried), an image uri instead of just text. It was just when reading through the W3C docs, it specifies it as an alternate if the img src is not available, but never specifically mentions that it must be text only, (that I could find), hence why I was wondering.

It's just for one specific link that loads a sites favicon, to put a place holder icon in there if the site icon isn't available, or, (as I've realised a lot of sites seem to be doing lately), they're placing their favicon.ico's somewhere other than the root dir.


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Just another quickie. smile The alt attribute on an image tag. Is it bad form to put another image in there, as a fallback if the main image doesn't exist, or should it be kept as text only?


Don't they use PhpBB for the forum part? Why not bridge the likes of Joomla with PunBB?

Well, I like having people writing and full proof testing something for me. Maybe a 1.2 mod add atom feature, but is the mod author going to patch my installed forums to keep them up to date? smile

Granularity is not a major thing by far, but when one needs it, it's quite nice.

If you want the Atom generator, I can pop it online for you. smile I might even consider adding topic support. big_smile This is a link to the site feed on the test forum, if you want to have a peek and see if it's any good for your purposes:


Extension is really the major one... anything someone wants, in time, in may be able to get it without screwing the core code. Since some mod are really, really ugly, and since security (read: updates) is a major concern to most forums, it's a key feature for a lot of people in my opinion.

I can see your point on that one. Especially where the security/bugs side of things is concerned. There are some debatable mods out there, which whilst they work in a fashion, it is in a fashion.

That's good for you, it means PunBB 1.2 is already perfect smile

Indeed. smile Must admit though, perfection has involved more hours of editing and refining than I dare tally. big_smile

Jérémie wrote:

Myself, there are several key advances I really looking forward too:

- MySQL fulltext search (i.e. no more slow, huge, and more important bugged search system)
- native and full utf-8 support
- clean URL
- granular ATOM feed
- extension system (i.e. modding without altering the core source), with multigroup capability being the front runner

The search system could be modded on 1.2.* if it was a problem personally. smile By fulltext, I'm assuming you mean searching for the entire phrase entered rather than splitting the words and searching?

Utf-8 I already have, so that ain't on my list of concerns. smile

Atom feed I already have, and it works perfectly well for me. smile I never wanted granularity down to individual topic level, which is why I never wrote that in. Forums/categories and site are ample. If, however, I ever changed my mind, It'd be a doddle to add that functionality to what I already have.

Clean URI, I personally have no use, need nor want for. Btw, doesn't that involve using httpd rewrite rules too, or is the method totally altered in 1.3?

Extension system. Again, couldn't really say as I'm yearning for it. It still has to be written, so it is just an alternative, (and somewhat more practical for someone who doesn't want to do any coding), method.

Honestly, there's nothing there whatsoever that rocks my boat. big_smile I'm not saying it's not better, btw, merely that I don't class anything in it as a personal want.

Meowmeow wrote:
MattF wrote:
Meowmeow wrote:

I think PunBB 1.3 is near Beta now. wink

Alpha precedes Beta.

Now PunBB 1.3 is in Alpha.

I'd class it more as current. big_smile Alpha or Beta generally denotes a public testing release. smile

Which part?

FSX wrote:

1.2 is good too, not as good as 1.3.

Why? I've still not seen anything mentioned about 1.3 which has given me the slightest inclination to consider updating to it when it does finally arrive.

Meowmeow wrote:

I think PunBB 1.3 is near Beta now. wink

Alpha precedes Beta.

Apologies. I completely misinterpreted that question. smile

There is a plugin to enable html in posts.


CD-RW wrote:

Regarding the $@ on the last configure line. That's exactly how it was generated in the config.nice file. Notice the arguments to configure are in single quotes. I think the $@ line is required to tell configure there are no more options to parse. Without the options in single quotes, then as you say, the $@ line is not needed.

The $@ includes any arguments/switches passed via the standard input, as well as those included in the script.

vega wrote:

Thing is I do not know exactly what I'm modifying with the file yikes

Follow the instructions in the file.

It's the way he's describing things. big_smile I just personally think it sounds most likely that he's having a version mismatch somewhere with what he's compiling against.

Smartys wrote:

Err, Matt, what's wrong with that ./configure?

With the configure script, nothing that I can see offhand. smile

vega wrote:

First i have no clue what *.* is

Everything with a dot in the name, i.e file.name, file.type.

Why the '$@' ? Are you passing any more config switches? By the sounds of your description, I'd personally say you have a schizo system. Work from a system where all modules/progs are actually the ones that have been compiled against the relevant versions, and compile it against those, not by mixing and matching.


(38 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Just to keep this upto date, the problem still hasn't reared it's head with those updates inplace. smile Can't say with 100% certainty that it's gone, as it had a tendency to appear when quite a few people were online, (the forum's in casual drop in mode at the moment), big_smile but it definitely hasn't appeared within nigh on two months, so it looks like it may be a winner. big_smile Cheers again for all your help with this one Smartys. smile

Personally, I can't honestly say that I'll be too fussed about switching over anyhow. big_smile At the end of the day, a lot of use are using a secure, (as possible within usable constraints), forum which we've modded to do exactly what we want and how. Upgrading just for the sake of there being a newer version available ain't always the best option.

Just wanting opinions on whether the general idea is good or bad with regards to checking the Spamhaus SBL-XBL during the registration against the users I.P. Am I being too draconian?




(4 replies, posted in Programming)

elbekko wrote:

Or use the FTP functions.

I'd never realised until you mentioned that there was a ftp function. big_smile It's not compiled by default, is it? Is the fopen method safe/reliable enough, or would I be better recompiling and using ftp, or using the fsockopen function as mentioned above?

The only thing this is being used to do is to check if the ftp server is returning a file available response for a file, so that a message can be given to browsers if the ftp server is not accepting further connections. Some browsers seem to have trouble handling some ftp server responses correctly, so it's just to take any browser deviation out of the equation. smile


(4 replies, posted in Programming)

intedinmamma wrote:

If you've enabled access to other servers for fopen() it might be, otherwise i would try using fsockopen().

Aye. Fopen is enabled. The code is only going to be on the local server, so it's not one of those things I'm going to be adding to distributed code and hoping people have it enabled. smile

Is that your wishlist? big_smile