Are you able to able to upload plugins to the forum directory?

matt1298 wrote:
pevone wrote:

i (personally) need it for archiving the content.
so i get all the posts/thread.....

there is a way. its basicly a web server on a memory stick. You intall the software into the directory. then run the exe and you have php, (phpmyadmin)  mysql apache and even punbb preinstalled.

That's totally different to what he requires. smile It's regarding wanting a flatfile version of selected forum topics, rather than db versions.

Does the news generator plugin not work in this export to file fashion?

Using that example above, and adding a made up extra exclusion, the syntax would be:

if ($pun_user['is_guest'] && ($action != 'change_pass' || $action != '[some made up action]'))
        require_once PUN_ROOT.'header.php';
        message("No guest access allowed.");

roudoudou wrote:

( requires that:
* configuration file should be locate in /etc (punbb config.php file should be located here)
* application cache data in /var/cache (punbb cache/ subdir should be located here)
* Variable state information in /var/lib (punbb img/ subdir for example should be locate here because this dir needs to be writeable by the webapp) and so forth

Full paths are in 1.3, I believe.

However, those paths you have listed above are somewhat like *nix norms, but definitely not absolute requirements. Nothing has to be specifically placed anywhere. That is still totally down to the preference of the devs/authors, of any software.

Peter wrote:

BTW, PunBB's profile page is extremely old skool, with that list of IM providers and other things that just look silly. The profile section need a lot of customization to bring it closer to current users' expectations. Thame^'s profile picture upload is a great improvement. Allowing users to add widgets or RSS feeds from their blogs to their profile pages could really help bring the PunBB profile section up to date.

It's an O.S forum. You have the option, (and code), to do with it as you will. What you expect and what most require may be two very different things. Personally, I'd detest the profile page if it contained all the crap required, by default, to allow users to enter all the annoying contact/link details some of them wish to enter. They aren't needed. Period. If you want to add them, modify the code. What is already available is quite enough for most. The beauty of PunBB is the fact that it doesn't contain all the crud and bells and whistles that a lot of other forum software does. If you want shiny things and buttons to drool at, there are other forums available with all that useless bumph within the default install.

Looks fine here. (When it eventually loads).

Peter wrote:

MattF, thanks, but I don't get your reply. It's basically the same code I already had, isn't it? Yours is more standard PunBB. In my customization I bypass the language file system where I can because I only use English. The language system is confusing to me.

Then just enter whatever message you wish to have displayed within the message("[Your message here]") bit, instead of a language file entry.

Peter wrote:

What does this bit of code do?

&& $action != 'change_pass'

Does it exclude the change_pass action from the no-view-for-guests restriction? To me as a non-PHP coder it looks like it specifically closes change_pass to guests, which would be the opposite of what I want.

It does exactly what you asked. It allows guests to access the change pass section and nothing else within the profile.php script.

Peter wrote:

Is change_pass the only action in profile.php I should leave open for users that aren't logged in? How about activation for new users?

Add whatever else you need to that exclusion.

In profile.php, near the top of the file:

// mod: no guest view
if ($pun_user['is_guest'] && $action != 'change_pass')
        require_once PUN_ROOT.'header.php';
        message($lang_common['No view']);

In userlist.php, again near the top of the file:

// mod: no guest view
if ($pun_user['is_guest'])
        require_once PUN_ROOT.'header.php';
        message($lang_common['No view']);

Change the 'No view' to whichever lang file entry you wish to have returned.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

sirena wrote:

Hmmm. I don't agree with you pedrotuga.

Just ask the people who own for example whether a domain name isn't important smile

Even if they linger for just 5 seconds before realising they are not where they wanted to be, that is enough time for many visitors to see an interesting ad link and click on it. And many people do.

It's a good business if you can find a domain lots of people visit that way: even if you make only $1/day, if the domain costs $10/ year to register and host, that's a pretty good ROI.

However, what happened to the etiquette regarding .com/, i.e: all coutry/nation domains being business based, and the likes of .org/.info and suchlike being for completely different usage? Not everything in life should be construed as a cash cow. A domain name is important. Simple fact. This advertising links obsession these days is an extreme annoyance, out of accepted bounds, however.

Just going to install php5 on a test server, and wanted to double check on one point regarding compilation. Is xml/libxml support required, or can all the xml options be disabled?




(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

axa wrote:

There is only one good solution to spam registrations, and it is this one

100% success rate for me so far. Wonderfully easy to implement too.

There's an updated multiple question/answer version of that mod.

Mysql or pgsql db? What version of PunBB?

Have you changed the base URI of the forum without first altering it in the admin section? If you have not got shell access to the server, you'll probably have to use the mysqladmin thingy if you have it available.

I believe 'o_base_url' in [db-prefix]_config is the one you need to change.

Peter wrote:

I suspect the problem is in the resize method. thame^ uses $ratio, Koos uses $zoom. How can I use the $zoom method in thame^'s code? I'm not a PHP-coder, so this is hard for me to figure out.

zoom/ratio are variables. They are irrelevant to the rescaling method and quality as such. It's the imagecreate parts of the script that you need to concentrate upon. Changing imagecopyresized to imagecopyresampled *may* also help.

Edit: Btw, this question would be best placed in the thread for the avatar mod itself, rather than this thread.

Smartys wrote:
<?php echo $user['firstname'].$user['surname']; ?>

That will place them as an unbroken output though, will it not? Should that not be:

<?php echo "$user['firstname'] $user['surname']"; ?>

for proper firstname[:space:]lastname type output?


(38 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Ah, right. Cheers. smile I'm useless at this level of db understanding, so just wanted to make sure I wasn't causing unnecessary problems due to versions. smile

Thanks again.



(38 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Just a quick question on this one again. smile Could this actually be related to a problem with the version of pgsql I'm running, (with it being an older version), or is the problem likely to be external to pgsql? i.e: should pgsql itself stop this condition occuring if/when it's behaving correctly? Merely asking because I can try updating the db version, (if that might be of any use), to see if the condition still exists.

Thanks again,



(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

What do the server logs say?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

In the appropriate lang file, for example with the register link, change from:

'Register'        =>      'Register',

to something like:

'Register'        =>      '<img src="'.$pun_config['o_base_url'].'/img/buttons/register.png" alt="Register" />',


(38 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Must admit, I'm not exactly great with db's. Can manage the general stuff fine, but I have only limited knowledge in that area. big_smile


(38 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Cheers. smile Apologies for not mentioning the db type earlier. If it's of any use, the specific version running here is:

PostgreSQL 7.4.16


(38 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

You are referring to the db update script in 1.2.15? When 1.2.14 was installed, (that is the version the forum was conceived from), install.php was run, as normal. I can also remember running the db update script when 1.2.15 came out because I saw it mentioned on here about a week after I'd upgraded and hadn't realised there was a db update script that needed running until I saw that thread. Have I still missed something? This is running on a pgsql db, btw, just incase that info is relevant. smile


(38 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Just as a slight sidetrack thought, is it possible that if the user theoretically manages to somehow login twice within the same second, that they would have two logged entries from the check_cookie function? Must admit, can't quite grasp that function, big_smile but that is the one which sees to logging the user?


(38 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Smartys wrote:

Did you run the database update script?

Yup. Initially installed the forums from 1.2.14. Ran the db update script when I updated the scripts to 1.2.15.


(38 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Have done a search of the forum, and the last thread I found relating to this was this one from the start of the year:

However, running 1.2.15 here, (modified), and I've been having the exact smae problem the last couple of days. A user may appear in the online list twice, randomly, and when they do, all their posts are doubled. I just found out the awkward way that deleting the second copy post also deletes the original post. Have checked include/functions.php, and that code in the SVN link from above appears fine and intact.

Any suggestions as to where I should start looking to trace this one?

