Now that I can understand Bingiman. I'll have a diddle at some of those features over the next few days when I've chance. For now, I've altered the last one slightly:
You have a single lookup, (a variation of Connors code as I couldn't get his snippet to work, but that may be a pgsql thing, so let me know if it works okay with mysql), which pulls the latest X amount of topics from all designated forums, specified in the script by:
$forumids = array(1,2);
Just use the same comma separation for any further forums you want to add. For example:
$forumids = array(1,2,3,4,5);
There is no per forum limit at the moment.
Changed the $newsdisplay variable to:
Just seemed more relevant if the other changes are doable.
Have got rid of the | - - | if the topic isn't truncated.
Let me know if the sql query works on mysql.