1 (edited by latheesan 2006-01-08 19:48)

Topic: host unlimited forums from just one installation of punBB


how about a mod/script/feature or something to host unlimited forums from just one installation of punBB?

i have the server for it and i'd like my college mates to take advantage of this great forums to setup their own forums for each person from one instalation of punbb.

You know, how multi-forums was done for phpbb and ipb?

if someone can create this, i bet my ass on it that it will become popular very quickly!!

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Re: host unlimited forums from just one installation of punBB

Everytime this has been done, it has been done poorly
Its been done twice by the same person, once they tried charging for the script and once they released it for free but demanded you pay $10 to remove their copyright from it (and it was full of security holes).
Someone else just did it as well, and they wanted to be paid for it too (still do, actually).
It's not very easy to do and in the end it's a lot of work to maintain an install like that: unless you can do it yourself (like Connor did) I bet it won't get done

Re: host unlimited forums from just one installation of punBB

can u give me the links to these people who done it before? or recommend be the right person to buy this script from plz?

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Re: host unlimited forums from just one installation of punBB

I'll link you to the buggy script, but use it at your peril: most likely you'll get hacked with this setup

Re: host unlimited forums from just one installation of punBB

Here's my own one - http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=62234

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Re: host unlimited forums from just one installation of punBB

Just make a forum with a DB prefix when they ask for one tongue