1 (edited by Odis 2006-02-20 15:08)

Topic: Censorship on Index under "Last post"

I've found one problem.  On the my forum censorship works on everything except for the index showing the "Last post".  I couldn't find this problem when searching. Can someone help me censor "Last post"?


Re: Censorship on Index under "Last post"

I take it you are using the PunRes mod:


// Display the last topic
    $idm = $cur_forum['subject'];


// Display the last topic
if ($pun_config['o_censoring'] == '1')
$idm = censor_words($cur_forum['subject']);
} else
$idm = $cur_forum['subject'];

Re: Censorship on Index under "Last post"

Appears to be a mod problem rather than a bug in core PunBB, moved to modifications.

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.


Re: Censorship on Index under "Last post"

I'm using Punbbfrontpage.  I found a similar line in the functions script, but it gave errors...so I put it back.  I'm going to look at it a little harder tonight and see if I can't figure it out.  It uses $cur_posts['subject'];  I'll put what I find tonight.  Thanks