1 (edited by Cherry 2006-03-01 19:32)

Topic: nutty generated urls

My (otherwise fabulous) PunBB generates some very strange urls. As you click through the forum links, the paths get longer & longer, until you end up with something like http://homeholistics.com/ forum/forum/topic/forum/topic/forum ......

This was making life unduly complicated, so we tried using mod_rewrites to tidy up the links.
Trouble is, every time we fix one problem, another one pops up!

The biggest difficulty is the forum/forum/ business.
Some of the pages, eg user profile, actually do have a path like so:- http://homeholistics.com/
therefore, just eliminating the duplication won't work because other links will break.

Please can you illuminate why this is happening - and what's the best way to handle it?
Thank you smile


[edited to break up the urls]

Re: nutty generated urls

I can't see how this is a bug as you obviously aren't using an unmodded punbb and its obviously a mod that is causing the problem. What mod are you using for the URLs?

Re: nutty generated urls

I'm really sorry, I should have posted in troubleshooting.

I asked an expert to make some modifications, specifically to overcome this weird behaviour with the file paths - so I can't explain exactly what he's done! I was kind of hoping you'd be able to give us a clue as to what might be causing it: I've not seen this happen before with PunBB and my base URL is correct.

Is there a certain page or directory I should examine, to find out how the paths are generated?

Thanks, Connor, and sorry again for posting to the wrong forum.

Re: nutty generated urls

Hrmm, are you linking between two separate forums?

Re: nutty generated urls

Hi, elbekko smile

No, but my consultant has just emailed back saying he thinks there's a problem with the server configuration roll
I'm going to try & get my hosts to restart Apache before we spend much more time on this.

Thank you for your help!


Re: nutty generated urls

Moving to troubleshooting.