Topic: Header change question

I need to remove the header text that says like "My Board" because I'm putting just a picture there, and then move the navigation bar down a little so that the picture will fit. Is there a way I can change just the CSS files so that I can make this work only when people switch to my theme, or is there something else I have to change? I can't figure out what it is I need to change so that's why I'm posting this.

"That's the worst mistake you ever made."
   - Wolverine, Ultimate Spider-Man

2 (edited by Jansson 2006-03-23 15:31)

Re: Header change question

Add this to you CSS file:

#brdtitle P, H1 {DISPLAY: none}
#brdtitle {
    PADDING: 0px;
    BACKGROUND: url(logo.png) no-repeat top left;
    HEIGHT: 60px;
    MARGIN: 0px;

Edit BACKGROUND and HEIGHT to your needs.

Re: Header change question

Thanks a million smile

"That's the worst mistake you ever made."
   - Wolverine, Ultimate Spider-Man