Topic: Having Trouble Integrating to 2 Column Layout

I am trying to integrate a 2-column layout for punBB, but am having problems on the viewtopic.php and viewforum.php page.  The problem is coming with this code snippet:

<div class="linkst">
    <div class="inbox">
        <p class="pagelink conl">Pages: <strong>1</strong> <a href="viewforum.php?id=18&p=2">2</a> <a href="viewforum.php?id=18&p=3">3</a> … <a href="viewforum.php?id=18&p=5">5</a></p>
        <p class="postlink conr"><a href="post.php?fid=18">Post new topic</a></p>
        <ul><li><a href="index.php">Index</a> </li><li>» Forum Name</li></ul>

        <div class="clearer"></div>

Here's the problem, the <div class="clearer"></div> is clearing the left column away from the right side which is floated.  In more detail, what I have for a setup is the following:

<div id="rightside">
this div is floated to the right, set to 200px wide

<div id="leftside">
this div is set to have a right margin of 225pixels to leave room for the right side float

Does anyone have any suggestions for setting up the paging links, breadcrumbs, and "post topic" link like they currently are, but without using floats?  I would be open to other suggestions as well... administrator


Re: Having Trouble Integrating to 2 Column Layout