Topic: Removing 'redirects' from moved topics

Is there anyway to remove the redirects from moved topics?  Or make them expire?  Sometimes I want them there (like when I move a user's topic and want them to still be able to find it so they don't repost)... but I don't want it to stay there forever because I think it looks messy.

vBulletin has a topic tools menu that has "remove redirects" option... but I can't locate something like it in PunBB.

Is this a lost cause?  Or can these be removed or set to expire after a certain length of time?


Re: Removing 'redirects' from moved topics

You can remove them by going to the page of the forum that contains the redirect (the forum the topic used to be in) and clicking "Moderate forum" in the lefthand side of the footer. Then check off any redirects you want to delete and click the delete button.

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.


Re: Removing 'redirects' from moved topics

Ah, thank you so much!  This was driving me nuts.  I was afraid deleting the redirect by ... well 'deleting' it... would delete the entire topic (i.e., from the forum it was moved to as well).

Thank you very much. smile