Topic: 1.3

Hi ok i am in no way rushing it but i was curious if there was a pretty for sure time frame set on 1.3 coming out for good yet. I dont mean like oh yes 3 days and its out!!! im just wondering if you can almost garentee to be out within next month or so that kind of timeframe. I was just wondering cuz iv been holding off on making my forum til new version that way i can update with the newest and such. So thanks to any replys. And again this is no rush or me trying to be rude by trying to rush just curious.

Re: 1.3

There is no timeframe, it's ready when it's ready tongue


Re: 1.3


Use 1.2.12, don't worry about styling it and start getting people signed up. When 1.3 comes out you can upgrade and then go to town on the new styling features.

Re: 1.3

Ok thanks ill do that.