Topic: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)


Pun Demo is a place to test Mods/Projects which have been made for PunBB. Each demo is fully 'live' and functional and also has both full user and admin access. This gives you the chance to have a play with a mod before committing yourself to updating your site.
You will also notice that some demos only have screenshots. This is due to the fact that I felt they did not deserve a live demo for just a minor update. Of course if strong opinion feels a particular mod/project deserves a live demo. Then that is no problem.

Have a look around and please try to give as much feedback as possible so I can get the final Pun Demo out with many more live demos.

I really hope that this will help the PunBB community a little.


Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

It's looking nice smile
I hope you'll be adding more mods though.

If you need help with it, just send me a mail or so.

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

I will be adding all mods to it. But just wanted a little feedback to make sure its working. I tried to cover every angle when putting it together. But you can always miss something.. sad

Once happy.. then I will start adding them on. Probably at a rate of about 10-20 a day. smile

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

One small suggestion: change the board title of the demo to the name of the mod and the board description to a small mod description (the one given in the mod's readme.txt or so)


Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

Nice job Steven, I like the concept.

One suggestion, maybe a countdown timer when the boards will be reset?

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

elbekko  wrote:

One small suggestion: change the board title of the demo to the name of the mod and the board description to a small mod description (the one given in the mod's readme.txt or so)

Done... Will change when next run of DB clean up.

hcgtv wrote:

One suggestion, maybe a countdown timer when the boards will be reset?

wink I had one... but...
Eventhough I have stated it runs hourly clearing the database. That is not entirely true. Because if the database has been manually reset by the end user within a particular hour. Then why run the script on that hour. So basically it decides if it should clear or not.

Anyway to cut a long story short.. Timer will be shown on proper release. As will code the script slightly differently.

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

Error: Unable to fetch demo title. roll

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Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

Fixed. smile

9 (edited by Dr.Jeckyl 2006-09-28 08:17)

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

"There is no valid language pack '' installed. Please reinstall a language of that name."

for frontpage

also, i have the changed stock(1.2.12) source files for the image upload mod... if i recall it's one of the biggest mods in regards to source edits. holler if you want them.

edit: i sent them anyways... stevenbullen[at]ntlworld correct?

WAY COOL IDEA! big_smile

FluxBB - Less is more

10 (edited by StevenBullen 2006-09-28 09:17)

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)


Cheers big_smile Will put it on this evening...

Now have 19 live demos and 4 screenshot demos.
Many thanks to the feedback rcvd so far. big_smile

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

Yay, two of my mods big_smile

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

elbekko wrote:

Yay, two of my mods big_smile

Yep. More coming soon... big_smile

13 (edited by gil 2006-09-29 21:25)

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

It's a very, very, very, very useful work.
One little remark: for the moment, the list is rather short, but if the list grows, another list with mods grouped by type of mods/project should be useful (in addition with current alphabetical list). Something like the following; of course this list is only an example:

+ New functions
Calendar - gizzmo [D]
PunDokuWiki - Connorhd [D]
PBB Chatbox - pokemon_jojo [D]
Private Messaging System - Connorhd [D]

+ Index improvement
Online Today - Mark
Icon Topic - Mark [D]

+ Post improvement
Easy BBCode - Rickard
Modern BBcode - Modern BBcode [D]

+ Rate
Rate Topic - Kha0sK1d [D]
Reputation System - hcs [D]

It could be very useful for someone who doesn't know the mods, but know what kind of function he is searching for.
Whis this aim, I prefer to group "screenshot only" and "demos", with a [D] (or an icon) to show that a demo exist.

But as it is, it's a very great job: we can know exactly the mod and its limits... Thanks!


Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

very nice website ! This kind of stuff is sure needed ! Thanks

15 (edited by StevenBullen 2006-10-03 09:02)

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

Thanks for pointing problem out on frontpage. All sorted now. big_smile

Yeah list is short at the mo. But I will be adding more daily... Just depending on how much time I can spare. Now on 35. big_smile

I did actually give all the mods/projects new categorys when I was indexing them. So a list like your example should be pretty easy but maybe slightly different. Will look into it for Release. I am also testing an AJAX search feature at the moment. Which hopefully will be out for release shortly (made for pundemo demos not punbb). wink

Yeah I understand fully about not knowing if your getting a picture or a full blown demo. So I will have all screenshots marked with something like this.
I couldnt think of an icon for a live demo.

Thanks for the feedback. Keep it coming...

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

How about a little button that says "Try it"? big_smile

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

Good idea... smartys... will put it on the TO DO...

I have now installed an AJAX search... wink

A quick test when you get the chance would be appreciated. Its on the front page of


Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

Smartys wrote:

How about a little button that says "Try it"? big_smile

Or how about a.. hu, sorry, I don't know exactly the english name, a toothed wheel (gears)

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

gil wrote:
Smartys wrote:

How about a little button that says "Try it"? big_smile

Or how about a.. hu, sorry, I don't know exactly the english name, a toothed wheel (gears)

Yup, gears, you got it smile
That sounds good too smile

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

Looks nice, although unfortunately I have to be a grammar jerk and point out that it should be "demos" and "screenshots", not "demo's" and "screenshot's". Adding -'s to a noun makes it possessive, not plural.

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21 (edited by twohawks 2006-10-03 19:09)

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

Really freaking cool, Steve.
Got a Suggestion for you (this may be so freaking obvious that only a non-thinker such as myself would come up with it...),

Today, I found a problem running the Add Lightbox demo by 'Robert' today (could you look into that, please?).
... Intuitively I went back to the "home page" to see" where" I should "click" to "report" a problem... 
..of course..

Don't laugh... , well, okay, laugh some, but read on...

I know we can discuss it here right now, and I figured out that I can register and post at the forum there (well who knew?? --had to "figure it out" DUH!!),...
...but maybe it would help you and others if at some point there was a prominent note/link for us otherwise "non-thinking types" (again, don't laugh!)...  instructions -at as to where you would like us to 'report problems'. 

Oh the elegant simplicity of it all....
Just to mention, I was going to post this in the features request area, but this is only a quasy-feature request really (and everyone will probably ltfao and ignore me anyway), and there are no other posts in there right now... so I didn't want to be the first to soil the zone ;^P

Hope I am providing some useful entertainment here :^u

Love is the Function
No Form is the Tool

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

It's a good idea TwoHawks smile
Maybe a small form that lets users submit error reports or so?

Another suggestion:
Add a contact form for the mod developers, for if they have questions... like the standard PunBB one tongue
As a PunRes mod, you can see everyone's email, so that can't be too hard eh wink

23 (edited by StevenBullen 2006-10-04 12:08)

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

Yep you got me on that one.. I will soon be applying picture to live demos. Its hard to find a decent picture of gears but also small... But I think I have finally found one to play with. big_smile

Good Idea....
Will add a 'report problem with demo' button. wink

A contact form for developers would also be a good idea. But I will put it on the TO DO list because I would need to speak to Jansson for full agreement first. also...

Maybe... Just maybe... I might encourage mod developers to register to my site and do it this way (e-mail contact info)... Basically I was going to split the google ad on the bottom of each demo and have an ad for me and a ad for the developer of that mod. A bit of giving back to the person who created the demo. big_smile

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

I'm already registered I think smile

25 (edited by Dr.Jeckyl 2006-10-04 17:27)

Re: Pun Demo - A place for checking 'live' mods/projects out... (BETA)

I have a couple gear ones.

I'm sure i have more.

Add Lightbox2.0 (1.0.0) I get
Unable to fetch guest information. The table '47_users' must contain an entry with id = 1 that represents anonymous users.

Cash mod
Unable to fetch guest information. The table '38_users' must contain an entry with id = 1 that represents anonymous users.

that's all I've noticed so far.

FluxBB - Less is more