Topic: Using PayPal to generate passwords in PunBB?
Hello everyone,
I'm pretty sure I've searched everywhere so please excuse me if this has been answered somewhere else already. I'm definitely not a technical kind of guy but using RapidWeaver (i.e. avoiding HTML) I've got my website near to completion.
The final thing before I launch it that I need to figure out is how to integrate PayPal into the PunBB forum so that I can automatically generate usernames and passwords. Again, please forgive me if that's not meant to happen.
I know PayPal has a password generation feature but to me it appears to be something that integrates into the "website" side of the house as opposed to the "forum" side of the house (I'm integrating PunBB into the website using an iFrame). Am I right or wrong?
Some info you might like to know about my website:
I will be providing free weekly reports and intend to have a subscription based forum for people to discuss the reports as well as other issues brought up by the subscribers.
I don't plan on generating any income by hosting advertising at all; it would kind of compromise the integrity of the website. That is why I want to incorporate PayPal into the PunBB forum.
Until I actually launch the website I don't want to say that much more about its content etc. Hope you don't mind and can understand.;)
So does anyone know if it's possible to integrate PayPal into the PunBB side of the house? If so could you please point me in the right direction for figuring it out or at least tell me where I failed to look in these forums?:/
Any help, especially the kind a mere mortal such as myself can understand, will be much appreciated.