Topic: Integrating login box (IE CSS issues)


I'd appreciate some CSS help. I've added a login box:

    <div class="sline">
        <form id="login" method="post" action="./login.php?action=in" onsubmit="return process_form(this)">

            <input type="hidden" name="form_sent" value="1" />
            <input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" value="/messageboard/viewforum.php?id=5" />
            <label for="req_username">Username: </label>
            <input type="text" id="req_username" name="req_username" size="4" maxlength="25" />
            <label for="req_password">Password: </label>
            <input type="password" id="req_password" name="req_password" size="4" maxlength="16" />
            <input type="submit" name="login" value="Login" />
            [<a href="./register.php">Register</a>] 

Which is inserted in the same container div as the board with this CSS:

.sline {width:325px;height:22px;background:#FFFFFF;text-align:center;float:right;clear:right;color:#595D66;}
.sline p{font-size:10px;padding:4px 0 0 5px;font-weight:bold;margin:0;}
.sline form{font-size:10px;padding:4px 0 3px 5px;font-weight:bold;margin:0;}
.sline input{margin:0;padding:0;font-size:10px;}
.sline a{color:#595D66; text-decoration:underline}

Which all looks fine in Firefox, but in IE it forces the rest of the forum to the left of it.
I imagine this is an IE bug but I'm struggling to work around it.

See here:

Any advice would be appreciated.


Re: Integrating login box (IE CSS issues)

Get rid of the clear: right; ?

Oh, and your online list doesn't show in IE7.

Re: Integrating login box (IE CSS issues)

I've just removed the 'clear: right;' but to no avail.

Why wouldn't my online list show in IE7?!!
Is that a usual PunBB thing or have I broken it?

Thanks for your help.
