1 (edited by smanchhey 2006-12-09 14:13)

Topic: Double postings by guests [SOLVED]

I know there're many topics here about the double postings but I am not very sure if this is the same problem. I am running PunBB 1.2.14 and I give the permission for the guests to post in number of forums. For members everything is normal but the guests, they see the double copy of all the post made by the guest . The members' posts apparently is ok. What is happening ? Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Double postings by guests [SOLVED]

Have you modified your forum in some way?

Re: Double postings by guests [SOLVED]

No not really , besides the fact that I have added Attachment mode and the Private messaging system. I did modify the forum to be compatible with UTF-8 following everything which was ever discussed here. The funny thing is, it is not consistent. It comes and goes by itself. For example right now I go through the forum as a guest and I can see the posts made by other guests in a normal way. Just 20 minutes ago when I was a guest there I could see all the guests' posts in double number.

4 (edited by Frank H 2006-12-09 09:59)

Re: Double postings by guests [SOLVED]

It's the attachment mod, you didn't follow the installationguide, so you replaced one of the changesets made to PunBB.

Re-add that changeset, then read the "Installing the mod on PunBB 1.2.6+" at the installation guide over at http://cms.frankh.shacknet.nu/. And redo the attachment mod steps 43 & 44, according to the installation guide.

Edit: it's mentioned in this topic, but the topic description isn't really describing this phenomen, so hard to find, but I knew about it wink

Edit2: Considering how many that mess up on this I'm thinking of re-doing the readme ... but I really haven't got the time atm ... hmm... ah well, we'll see...

Re: Double postings by guests [SOLVED]

Thanks smile

Everything looks fine now.