Topic: how you add your forum to your own website?

Please could i have full details, on how to achieve this?

Re: how you add your forum to your own website?

1) Download PunBB 1.12.14
2) Unzip the files to a directory on your computer.
3) Look for a txt file and read the directions included.

echo "deadram"; echo; fortune;


Re: how you add your forum to your own website?

What, i have a forum at the moment

want to run it off my website.

How can this be done, dont answer a question if it has not been dealt with propely..


Re: how you add your forum to your own website?

Need answers please.

I can give full access to my host to anyone?

Re: how you add your forum to your own website?

Perhaps if we could have a little more information it would be easier to answer your question. We also need the URL of your website, it will make it easier to understand the problem.

I gather from your confusing post that you want your forum (which is already installed) to be integrated within your websites design? An example similiar to the one I'm working on now: http://www.chopaway.com/pun/index.php

If this is what you mean then you need to go through the following folders your_pun_folder\upload\include\template\

In the template folder you will see a file called main.tpl - Open the file with Wordpad (or whatever editor you choose) and enter your HTML code around the code already there.


Re: how you add your forum to your own website?

Ok , what i would like to do is have my web site: www.counter-strike-solution.com have my forum running off it so when a vistor clicks the link forum, it goes to www.counter-strike-solutions.com/forum

Re: how you add your forum to your own website?

Your forum is hosted by a different host to the main website:

http://www.punbb-hosting.com/forums/css … /index.php

To do what you want, have counter-strike-solutions.com/forum you would have to install Punbb on your Bravehost account (which Im not sure if you are allowed to do)

If you have access to the main.tpl file at punbb-hosting.com (again though, I dont think you do) enter the below code as a simple solution to your problem:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

<html dir="<pun_content_direction>">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<pun_char_encoding>" />

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        #sBar li {display: inline; } 
        #sBar li a, #sBar li a:visited {font: bold 11px tahoma,arial; text-decoration: underline; color: #004891; margin: 0px 5px;}

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Re: how you add your forum to your own website?

For the record I would switch away from free hosts. Smartys service is certainly appreciated at punbb-hosting.com but you don't have as much creative control as you would if you had paid hosting.

Visit www.34sp.com and get the cheapest package (£17.99) and then you could have counter-strike-solutions.com (adverts and banner free) and have unlimited control on your forum (you could install any mod you want, and have the /forum url you wanted)