Topic: Theme Switcher

Can anyone tell me if there is a theme switcher plugin available for punBB? I've searched and can't seem to find anything in the forums.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Theme Switcher

Plugins are only for admin/moderator actions smile
I'm not sure what you mean by a theme switcher though. Like allowing Guests to choose their style?

Moved to Modifications

Re: Theme Switcher

Well, I mean something that a user can select themes from a dropdown box. In my case I am using the frontpage mod for punbBB so it would have to be something like a side panel. Hope you understand what I mean. I know that when XennoBB was around they had something similar so I figured that since the code they used was almost 100% punBB that it would be easy to implement.



Re: Theme Switcher

Look under Profile -> Display

Re: Theme Switcher

I know that is there, but I wanted something on the frontpage of the site to make it easier for users to select themes. You can see what I mean if you click on my website link. Users can select themes and it changes on the fly.


Re: Theme Switcher

if you want to add something yourself, to every page in a side menu, start by copy and pasting the theme selection from the profile.php code. I would start by making a theme.php page, and then on the side menu, forward the theme selection form to theme.php and redirect the user back to whatever page they were at once theme.php handles the request. misc.php has some code in it that forwards you back to whatever page you were at.

Hope this helps. I havn't seen a mod like this though.

echo "deadram"; echo; fortune;

Re: Theme Switcher

find whiteh0rs3 he did a theme switcher for punbb send him a message...
that is also his yahoo id.
i think he posted it in the mod section in punres.

i will ask him what he did with it.

My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!

Re: Theme Switcher

ok, thank you.