Topic: Mega Pun has been released!

I have finally released Mega Pun to everyone. For more information in the mods and plugins, please have a look at this thread.

Mega Pun is simple to install. Just one click and you're on your way so head on over to Shedrock Online and grab it. You can download it directly from the Announcement block.

Comments and Suggestions welcome. You can post them over on the site.

Bingiman a.k.a Shedrock

Re: Mega Pun has been released!

Thanks bingiman - I'm keen to check it out. Nice title for it too.

What comes next - Giga Pun? Tera Pun?


Re: Mega Pun has been released!

Giga might have come next if only I could have implemented the pun downloads and forum attachments but those were a pain to add to the package. I had too many problems with them so hopefully someone can fiddle around with it and hopefully get it into the package.


Re: Mega Pun has been released!

A quick question - what is \syn\phpMSH and all those .svn files?

That's a huge folder hierarchy in the download, and it looks to be "This is a Subversion working copy administrative directory." .

So maybe that isn't needed?

Re: Mega Pun has been released!

I believe that is used for the PHP highlight code in the bbcodes.

Re: Mega Pun has been released!

There appears to be quite a bit of folder and files that aren't required. I am in the process of updating the package. Once I am complete, I'll update the punres archive and the shedrockonline archive. big_smile


Re: Mega Pun has been released!

The .svn files are the subversion logs. I would guess they are there because somebody used checkout instead of export when they put the package together.

Re: Mega Pun has been released!

Thanks Paul. I deleted them all.

The archives have been updated and a better description has been added on punres.


Re: Mega Pun has been released!

mmm... at firt it sounds cool, but i wouldn't like to be in your shoes when you decide to update you punbb installation.

10 (edited by bingiman 2007-05-07 20:02)

Re: Mega Pun has been released!

pedrotuga wrote:

mmm... at firt it sounds cool, but i wouldn't like to be in your shoes when you decide to update you punbb installation.

Believe it or not. That's the fun part for me. Or in this case, that's the FUN in PUN big_smile

11 (edited by sirena 2007-05-08 05:45)

Re: Mega Pun has been released!

I've struck a few probs getting mega-pun-final installed on my local WAMP test server - errors like:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\wamp\websites\megapun1\include\user\newsbox.php on line 77

when I want to go to the forum index page, or

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\wamp\websites\megapun1\Links.php on line 301

when I want to browse the links page. it looks to me like there is something amiss in the way that footer.php is beeing pulled in or called.

The contact form also shows its PHP code to me:

\n"; echo "\n"; foreach ($fields as $field){ echo " ".$field[0].$field[4]."  \n "; switch ($field[2]){ case "line": echo ""; if (isset($error[$field[1]])) echo "

etc etc, which is not useful to me smile

And when I login I always get wonderful stuff like this in the header above most pages:

; ?>'; ?>query('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM '.$db->prefix.'messages WHERE showed=0 AND owner='.$pun_user['id']) or error('Unable to check for new messages', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error()); if ($db->result($result_messages, 0)){ $tpl_temp .= "\n\t\t\t\t".'

Apache also shows up many many 404 errors like this:

[Tue May 08 08:16:34 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/wamp/websites/megapun/img/'.$pun_user['style'].', referer: http://localhost/megapun/index.php
[Tue May 08 08:17:02 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/wamp/websites/megapun/img/'.$pun_user['style'].', referer: http://localhost/megapun/admin_index.php
[Tue May 08 08:17:34 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/wamp/websites/megapun/img/'.$pun_user['style'].', referer: http://localhost/megapun/admin_loader.php?plugin=AP_Adsense_Options.php
[Tue May 08 08:18:09 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/wamp/websites/megapun/img/'.$pun_user['style'].', referer: http://localhost/megapun/admin_loader.php?plugin=AP_Private_messaging.php
[Tue May 08 08:18:24 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/wamp/websites/megapun/img/'.$pun_user['style'].', referer: http://localhost/megapun/admin_loader.php?plugin=AP_Adsense_Options.php
[Tue May 08 08:18:29 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/wamp/websites/megapun/img/'.$pun_user['style'].', referer: http://localhost/megapun/admin_loader.php?plugin=AP_Links_with_category.php

etc x 100.

So some bits work, but most of it doesn't, at least locally on Win32 WAMP. If I browse as a guest, most of it works. But if I logon as admin, lots of things start to go wrong.

I don't really want to test it out on any live web server yet.

You should also probably modify the digg linker thingo too, so that it doesn't always try and pull down the Digg favicon every time the page loads. It's a pain when you are off-line.

Oh, and it is worth noting that mega-pun home page generates about 17-18 SQL queries, as opposed to the standard 7 or 8 for a basic punBB board. That's a lot. Something for folks to keep in mind.

Re: Mega Pun has been released!

I am running mine locally and I have no problems at all. I am actually using winxp though. As for the other errors. Unfortunately I am not good with all that. Sad to say, but very true. I only put this together so that users could have a site that looked like mine. If anyone is willing to hop in here are make it better I would be more than happy to assist in any way possible.

Re: Mega Pun has been released!

This is just an update. I have been making some changes to some files for Mega Pun. I guess it doesn't matter how much to test and test chances are there will be problems. I noticed a few problems with some of the narrow themes, smiley popup and color popup pallet. I have already fixed them. Here are some of the changes I had to make:

Lune Theme - made smaller "forward" image because it was over lapping in FF and IE6+
BBCode Color Menu - I originally used the pun class for the window but this became a problem when using the sBlog, Lune and Simple themes. The header image was always present in the popup so I had no choice but to hard code some text styles in the actual script. Anyway, classes coul dbe added to each theme instead which is something I will consider.

What's next? Well, I along with tinytim was trying to get the punDownloads installed but there have been numerous problems along the way so this may be a no go. Thanks to quaker I may add punuploadextra1.1 to it instead. I may have to make some changes to that script as well as far as the layout is concerned.

There you go!
