Topic: Smilies won't work

I just installed PunBB 1.2.15 and uploaded it to my site.  I didn't modify any files, and the smiley images are uploaded, but they won't work on my forum.  BBcode is enabled.  I did not change anything.

Smilies worked on the previous version.

Any suggestions?

Re: Smilies won't work

smilies aren't working?  hell, that's a feature not a bug!  ;-)

a couple of things come to mind.  did the previous version you upgraded from keep the images in another directory?  (i'm new to punbb so this may not be valid).  did you check the administration settings?  user settings?  did you try it as another user?  any errors in your log files?

hope that helps.

Re: Smilies won't work

If you mean your custom smilies, you'll have to re-edit parser.php