Topic: Timezone in version 1.2.15

I'm new here, this is my first post in this forum.
I have a problem with the right time for posts and last logged in times in my forum, it dont matter how i change the zones. They are just not right for guests and logged in members at same time.

How to put them right if my server is in Chicago and my site in sweden? I want the guest time in swedish local time by default and also that a member does not need to do any changes from that as long the member lives in Sweden.

How to do that?

Re: Timezone in version 1.2.15

You can't have that in 1.2. The server time zone in 1.2 should be set such that the time given to guests is GMT.
In 1.3, we remove the need to set the time to GMT and replace it with the ability to set the default timezone, which is what you're looking for.

Re: Timezone in version 1.2.15

Well, where is that version 1.3, you are talking about? In your download page i can read that version 1.2.15 is the latest and greatest? So i thought i was downloading the absolute latest version of cource.

Re: Timezone in version 1.2.15

You are. 1.3 is the version currently under development and it isn't ready for a production environment.

Re: Timezone in version 1.2.15

Ok, than i just have to wait for that version.
Is it allowed to ask when the new version is planned to be ready? Just so i know if i will bother to run the currect version at my site yet, or wait.

Would it be easy to update to version 1.3 if i run the current version now?

Thanks,for the support!

Re: Timezone in version 1.2.15

The new version will be released when it's ready

And updating will involve replacing your existing PunBB files and running a script to update the database. So, depending on if you have modified your forums (and if so how much), you might have more work.

Re: Timezone in version 1.2.15

Smartys wrote:

You can't have that in 1.2. The server time zone in 1.2 should be set such that the time given to guests is GMT.
In 1.3, we remove the need to set the time to GMT and replace it with the ability to set the default timezone, which is what you're looking for.

Yes, I was wondering about this too. So basically no matter what you set the "Server Timezone" to, guests will always see the post times as reflected by the actual server correct? Because when I am not logged in, the posts are 2 hours behind because the server is PST while I am CST.

Re: Timezone in version 1.2.15

No, the server timezone should be set such that the time given to guests is GMT. If you set it to something else, the timezones in the profile won't make sense

Re: Timezone in version 1.2.15

Yes that us what I have done. Since the server is in PST that is what I set in the Admin options. I then changed my own profile to CST. Just a little different from past CMSes or forums I've used.

Re: Timezone in version 1.2.15

OK, then that's right wink
Like I said, in 1.3 PunBB uses GMT and allows you to set the guest timezone. It's even possible to set the guest timezone now by modifying include/functions.php.