Topic: SQL Table location

Hi all, im having some trouble with a #### of a server administrator running a site i am taking over.
he is unwilling to eithor give me access to the database or 'waste his time searching' for stuff.

initially when i put myself up for the job he packaged forums.sql, posts.sql, users.sql and bans.sql for me, but now im trying to re-build the site on a new server i find that i am missing the threads data (names and post assignments)

am i correct in thinking that the missing data is going to be in a table called 'threads'? (or at very least, correct in assuming that it is infact simply a table in the mysql database (not hidden in some bizare and/or obscure format outside of the database) and not a huge time wasting search as he is pretending)
(cant really go shouting at the guy without checking my facts first eh wink)

Note: i have no way to get the version number for the install but this is punbb from 2005 (i believe late in the year as the site went live early in 06 (thats right... he has never updated it... see what i mean, lasy)), i cant pretend to know whats changed, hopefully someone fairly oldschool here could confirm that he is infact just being unreasonably slack, and that he should have infact, packed it in with the stuff he sent over in the first place.

thanks, mort

Re: SQL Table location

The table is "topics" not "threads". For more detail I suggest that you look at the database tables of PunBB.

Why can't he just dump the whole database?

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.


Re: SQL Table location

ahh, brilliant.. i knew it would be there.
handy page, thanks for the link... looks like he only sent me the stuff he could identify at a glanse hmm.

i honestly have no idea what his problem is, he wants the site off his server ASAP, but wont provide the most basic levels of support to expidite the move... and it not even like we did anything to anoy him.
frankly, ill just be glad to see the back of him

many thanks pogenwurst, keep up the good work guys