1 (edited by doughnut 2007-11-25 04:17)

Topic: what pic on user in forum to be on my roster


ok im making a site for my clan and i would like to know how can i get and or make this work..
i would like win one of my user on my forum put a pic on the "Use avatar" it will be the same as on my index.php page!!!
i know i need to do like...

<? include "config.php";?>  <-- so i can set the URL:


<img src="<?echo $url ;?><? echo $urlf; ?>" height="60" width="60" />

This is what i need to know what file/line i need to look on to find the code/info i need to use


If you like hit me up on my forum  http://assassinkings.clanservers.com/forum/
NOTE: site is in the works.... Sorry!

2 (edited by Utchin 2007-11-24 22:34)

Re: what pic on user in forum to be on my roster

yeah first you want to intergrate the main page, so to set all the variables in it!

first, you have to have them assigned to a group. so 1 (admins), 2 (mods)and 6(clan members) and to create a mysql SELECT something like

SELECT * FROM '.$db->prefix.'users AS u LEFT JOIN '.$db->prefix.'groups AS g ON g.g_id=u.group_id  WHERE `group_id` =1 AND 2 AND 6 ORDER BY u.num_posts LIMIT 6 DESC

and then do something  like you said

 <img src="<?echo $url ;?><? echo $urlf; ?>" height="60" width="60" />

just add the variables in

want any clan help, have a look at another post

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.

3 (edited by MattF 2007-11-25 00:04)

Re: what pic on user in forum to be on my roster

Don't use short tags. They will bite you in the backside one day. Secondly, this line:

<img src="<?echo $url ;?><? echo $urlf; ?>" height="60" width="60" />

could be done with a single echo.

Edit: Just looking at that code, what are the $url and $urlf vars supposed to be?