Topic: admin_options.php?action=foo

Hi Guys n Gals

I have been running with PunBB since Jan 2006

I have just logged in as usual using my administrator account details to change the announcment message.

However when clicking submit im taken to this url

Any idea after nearly 2 years this should be happening?


You don't have permission to access /admin_options.php on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


Apache/1.3.39 Server at (removed url) Port 80

Re: admin_options.php?action=foo

Talk to your host, that sounds like bad mod_security rules

Re: admin_options.php?action=foo

Can you tell me what the mod_security rules be set as? note I host this on my own server have the configuration has not been changed since its installation.

Apart from the error with admin functioin are you aware of other problems i should be having if it is bad mod_sec rules? as from what i can tell the front end for mebers works fine.

Thnaks Again

Re: admin_options.php?action=foo

The mod security rules are a large and complex ruleset. I don't know what ruleset you're using and I don't know why things would have changed suddenly. The most recent rules from should not have an issue like this.

Re: admin_options.php?action=foo

Ok these have been checked and are as per gotroot. however the issue remains the same. Does anyone else know aof anyother reason for this error?


Re: admin_options.php?action=foo

Could you check your error_log and see if it tells you more?

Re: admin_options.php?action=foo

All clear on the error log, so thought i would try doing the latest upgrade and its has fixed the error. Very odd.

Thanks anyhow
